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Yongning WU


Yongning Wu, MD, PhD


Sep 1994 – Jul 1997

Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine (present: Graduate School of Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention)

Ph D, Nutrition and Food Hygiene

Beijing, China

Sep 1983 – Jul 1986

Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine (present: Graduate School of Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention)

MS, Nutrition and Food Hygiene

Beijing, China

Oct 1978 – Jul 1983

Nanjing Medical College (present: Nanjing Medical University)

Bachelor of Medicine, Public Health

Nanjing, China


Research Experience

Jun 2016 – Jun 2020

WHOcc Head

WHO Collaborating Center for Food Contamination Monintoring (China),

Beijing, China

To support  WPRO Food Safety Program &  services to food safety risk assessment centers in Asia;evidence-based data  include in contamination and antimicrobial resistance monitoring; to  provide expertise and support in total diet studies  in Asia.

Aug 2012 – present

Director of NHC Key Lab, Chief Scientist of CFSA, Professor

China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, NHC Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment

Beijing, China

Development of methodologies for characterization of exposure to food hazards; R&D on foodborne disease traceability and health related risk assessment methodologies; & development of new technologies in translational toxicology based on systems biology.

Nov 2011 – Aug 2012

Chief Scientist and Professor

China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment,

Beijing, China

Sep 2010 – Jun 2016


WHO Collaborating Center for Food Contamination Monitoring (China),

Beijing, China

To participate in GEMS/Food by providing monitoring data on levels of emerging chemical contaminants as well as POPs, pesticides, heavy metal, & mycotoxins in China food & total diet. To provide support in TDS & train,  assistance in intl incidents

Jun 2008 – Aug 2012

Professor (Full) and China CDC Key Laboratory Director

Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention, Key Laboratory of Chemical Safety and Health

Beijing, China

Jan 2001 – Oct 2011

Professor (Full) and Department Director

National Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center For Disease Control And Prevention, Department of Contamination Monitoring and Control

Beijing, China

Director of Department

Dec 1998 – Dec 2000

Professor(Full)and Department Director

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Department of Contaminants Chemistry

Beijing, China

Director of Department

May 1997 – Jul 1998

KC WONG Fellow of the Royal Society

MRC  Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester,

Leicester, United Kingdom

Dec 1993 – May 1997

Professor (Associate) and Deputy Director of Department

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Department of Contaminants Chemistry

Beijing, Beijing, China

Deputy Director of Department

Apr 1991 – Mar 1992

UICC Fellow

International Agency for Research on Cancer,

Lyon, France

Dec 1987 – May 1991

Research Associate

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Department of Chemistry and Toxicology

Beijing, Beijing, China

Aug 1986 – Nov 1987

Research Assistant

Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Department of Chemistry and Toxicology

Beijing, Beijing, China


H index


RG Score








Awards & Grants

Nov 2017

Award: China Institute of Food Science and Technology: 2017 Outstanding Contribution Award

May 2017

Award: China National Innovation First Prize, China Association of Science & Technology, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security,and  Ministry of Science & Technology,

Dec 2016

Award: 2016 USP Standard Outstanding  Contribution Award

Jan 2016

Award: Guangdong Science and Technology Progress Award, First Class

Oct 2015

Award: Chinese Society of Toxicology: Outstanding Contribution Award

Dec 2014

Award: Chinese Association of Instrumental Analysis:  Outstanding Award of S&T Progressing

Nov 2014

Award: China Institute of Food Science and Technology-S&T Innovation Award: First Class

Dec 2012

Award: Chinese Medical Association Award, the Second Class

Dec 2012

Award: The Ministry of Heath, PR China: The Award of Outstanding Contribution for Young and Middle-Age Scientist

Mar 2012

Award: Beijing Science and Technology Award, the Second Class

Dec 2011

Award: Huaxia Prize for Medical Science and Technology Progress: the First Class

Oct 2011

Award: The 12th Wu Jieping & Paul Janssen Prize for Medical and Pharmaceutical Science: Nutrition and Food Hygiene

Jan 2011

Award: Fujian Science and Technology Award: the Second Class

Dec 2007

Award: State Administration of Standardization Committee, PR China: Outstanding Contribution Award, First Class

Apr 2006

Award: the National Award for Science and Technology Progress, the Second Class,  The State Council  of PR China

Dec 2005

Award: Chinese Medical Association Award, the Second Class

Skills & Activities


Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Sample Preparation, Environmental Pollution, Heavy Metals, Heavy Metal Pollution, Pesticide Analysis, Elemental Speciation, Arsenic Speciation, Mass Spectrometry, Milk, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Food, Rice, Heavy Metal Speciation, Liquid Chromatography, Mercury, Nitrate, Determination, Elemental Analysis, Chemical Risk Assessment, Exposure Assessment, Dioxins, Isotopes, Environmental Impact Assessment, Solid Phase Extraction, Water Chemistry, Functional Food, Drug Residues, Food Contaminants, Food Safety, GC-MSMS, Analytical Chemistry, Antioxidants, Animal Science, Food Analysis, Emerging Contaminants, Food Science, LC-MS, Chromatography, Environmental Analysis, Acrylamide, Extraction, Public Health, Environment, Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry , Antibiotic Resistance, Gas Chromatography , Functional Foods, Veterinary Medicine, Acids, Food Processing, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, Environmental Chemistry, Phenolic Acids, Nitrosamines, Nitrite, Vegetables, Spectrometry, Sampling, Correlation Coefficient, Standard Deviation, Quantification, Nitrosation, Genetically Modified Crops, Protein Hydrolysates, Angiotensin I, Fruit



Scientific Memberships

1 International Academy of Food Science and Technology, Fellow
2 Chinese Toxicology Society,Vice President;  and Director of Analytic Toxicology Committee
3 Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology; President of ood Authenticity and Traceability  Society
4 Chinese Medical  Association; Deputy Director of Chinese Association of Public Health
5  Chinese Chemical Society; Deputy Director of Environmental Chemistry Committee
6 Chinese Ecological Society;  Past Director  of Eco-health and Human Ecology
7 Chinese Society of Mass Spectrometry, Standing Member
8 Food Safety Commission, the State Council, China; Member of  Scientific Committee
9 The National Reviewing Committee of National Food Safety Standard, China; Chair of Contaminants Committee
10 The National Committee of Food Safety Risk Assessment, China; Member
11 The National Committee of Agri-food Quality and Safety Risk Assessment, China; Member


1 WHO the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (STAG - AMR), member
2 FAO/WHO Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), roster list of Dietary Exposure in Chemical; roster list of Contaminants and Natural Toxins
3 USP Food Ingredient Expert Committee, (FIEP) roster list; Chair of metal subcommittee to Food Chemical Codex in FIEC, and member of Food Ingredient Intentional Adulteration Expert Panel;
4 USP Reference Standard Committee (Joint 3 Standard);
5 CAC Codex Committee of Contaminants in Food, Member of China delegation
6 The Scientific Committee of the National Implementation Plan of Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants , China; Member
7 The Scientific Committee of Import and Export Food Risk Analysis , China; Member
8 The Expert Committee on Food Safety (2018 - 2020)  ,  the Government  of Hong Kong Special Administration Region, China; Member

Publication Highlights

Yang Wang, Rongmin Zhang, Jiyun Li, Zuowei Wu, Wenjuan Yin, Stefan Schwarz, Jonathan M. Tyrrell, Yongjun Zheng, Shaolin Wang, Zhangqi Shen, Zhihai Liu, Jianye Liu, Lei Lei, Mei Li, Qidi Zhang, Congming Wu, Qijing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Timothy R. Walsh, Jianzhong Shen: Comprehensive resistome analysis reveals the prevalence of NDM and MCR-1 in Chinese poultry production. Nature Microbiology 02/2017; 2:16260., DOI:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.260

Timothy R Walsh, Yongning Wu: China bans colistin as a feed additive for animals. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 10/2016; 16(10):1102-1103., DOI:10.1016/S1473-3099(16)30329-2

Nannan Qiu, Di Wu, Xia Cui, Guoliang Li, Sai Fan, Dawei Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Simultaneous Determination of Multiple Intracellular Primary Metabolites by Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with a Q Exactive HF Mass Spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry 09/2016; 88(19)., DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02417

David B. Hipgrave, Suying Chang, Xiaowei Li, Yongning Wu: Salt and Sodium Intake in China. JAMA The Journal of the American Medical Association 02/2016; 315(7):703., DOI:10.1001/jama.2015.15816

Juan Li, Thanh Wang, Bing Shao, Jianzhong Shen, Shaochen Wang, Yongning Wu: Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance Genes and Antibiotic Residues in Wastewater and Soil Adjacent to Swine Feedlots: Potential Transfer to Agricultural Lands. Environmental Health Perspectives 05/2012; 120(8):1144-9., DOI:10.1289/ehp.1104776


Yongning Wu: The Fifth China Total Diet Study. Edited by Wu Yongning; Zhao Yunfeng, Li JIngguang;, 10/2017; China Academic Press: Beijing, China., ISBN: 978-7-030-50963-5

Yongning Wu: The Fourth China Total Diet Study. Edited by Wu Yongning; Li Xiaowei;, 10/2015; Chemical Industry Press: Beijing, China., ISBN: 978-7-122-22776-8

Yongning Wu: Food Contamination: Monitoring and Control in Theory and Practice. Edited by Wu yongning, 06/2011; Chemical Industry Press., ISBN: 978-7-122-05061-8

Yongning Wu: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report No. 978. Edited by FAO/WHO, 01/2011; FAO/WHO.

Yongning Wu: Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting to Review Toxicological and Health Aspects of Bisphenol A, Summary Report including Report of Stakeholder Meeting on Bisphenol A; November 1–5, 2010; Ottawa, Canada. Edited by FAO/WHO, 01/2011; WHO., ISBN: 978 92 14 156427 4

Yongning Wu: Report of the WHO Working Group on Data Reporting for Hazards in Food (HOF). 01/2010; World Health Orgnation., ISBN: 978 92 4 150068 5

Yongning Wu: Analysis, Monitoring and Control of Veterinary Drugs Residues. Edited by Wu Yongning, Shao Bing, Shen Jianzhong, 05/2007; Chemical Industry Press., ISBN: 978-7-122-00051-4

Yongning Wu, Jiang Guibing: Trace and Ultra-trace Analysis of Emerging Organic Pollutants. Edited by Wu Yongning & Jiang Guibing, 04/2007; Chemical Industry Press., ISBN: 978-7-5025-9440-4

Chen J, Peto R, Pan W, Liu B, Campbell C, Boreham J, Parpia B, Cassano P, Chen Z, Feng Z, Gelband H, Li J, Pan H, Root M, Wu Y, Youngman L: Mortality, biochemistry, diet and lifestyle in rural China. 01/2006; Oxford University Press., ISBN: 0-19-856933-5

Yongning Wu: Present Knowlege in Food Safety. Edited by Wu Yongning, 05/2003; Chemical Industry Press., ISBN: 7-5025-4123-3

Book Chapters

Yongning Wu, Hong Miao, Bing Shao, Jing Zhang, John W. Spink, Douglas C. Moyer: Food Fraud: Science, Technology, Management and Regulation. Food Safety in China, 03/2017: pages 253-270; , ISBN: 9781119237969, DOI:10.1002/9781119238102.ch16

Susan M. Barlow, Antonio Agudo, Billy Amzal, Camille Béchaux, Genevieve Bondy, Peter Cressey, Milou M.L. Dingemans, Mark feeley, Helen Håkansson, tracy Hambridge, Dorothea f.K. rawn, Klaus schneide, Martin van den Berg, Yongning W: non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls. Safety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, supplement 1: non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls / prepared by the eightieth meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). (WHO food additives series ; 71-S1), Edited by JECFA, 09/2016: chapter non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls: pages S1; FAO/WHO., ISBN: ISBN 978 92 4 166171 3/ISSN 0300-0923

Miao Hong, Cui Xia, Zhu Pan, Wu Yongning: 11 What Have We Learnt from the Melamine-tainted Milk Incidents in China?. Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions, Edited by Rajeev Bhat, Vicente M. Gomez-Lopez, 04/2014: chapter 11 What Have We Learnt from the Melamine-tainted Milk Incidents in China?: pages 191-212; Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell., ISBN: 978-1-118-47460-0, DOI:10.1002/9781118474563.ch11

Yongning Wu, Jingguang Li, Pingping Zhou, Wusheng Fu, Gong Zhang, Hong Miao, Xiaowei Li, Junquan Gao, Yunfeng Zhao, Junshi Chen: Emerging Chemical Contaminants in Total Diet Studies in China. Total diet studies. New York: Springer; 2013, 473-87, Edited by Moy GG, Vannoort RW, 06/2013: chapter Emerging chemical contaminants in total diet studies in China: pages 473-87; New York: Springer., ISBN: 978-4419-7689-5, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-7689-5_49

Yongning Wu, Hong Miao, Sai Fan: Separation of Chiral Pyrethroid Pesticides and Application in Pharmacokinetics Research and Human Exposure Assessment. Pesticides in the Modern World - Effects of Pesticides Exposure, 09/2011; , ISBN: 978-953-307-454-2, DOI:10.5772/16617

Mueller U, Agudo A, Carrington C, Doerge D, Hellenäs KE, Leblanc JC, Rao M, Renwick A, Slob W, Wu Y: Acrylamide. Safety evaluation of certain contaminants in food: prepared by the Seventy-second meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), Edited by FAO, WHO, 01/2011: chapter Acrylamide: pages 1-152.; FAO and WHO;., ISBN: 978 92 4 166063 1

Barlow SM, Bolger PM, DiNovi M, Rao MV, Slob W, Wu Y.: Perchlorate. Safety evaluation of certain contaminants in food: prepared by the Seventy-second meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), Edited by FAO, WHO, 01/2011: chapter Perchlorate: pages 685-762; FAO and WHO;., ISBN: 978-92--5-106736-9

Journal Publications

Huifang Deng, Brecht Devleesschauwer, Mingyuan Liu, Jianhua Li, Yongning Wu, Joke W. B. van der Giessen, Marieke Opsteegh: Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant women and livestock in the mainland of China: A systematic review and hierarchical meta-Analysis. Scientific Reports 12/2018; 8(1)., DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-24361-8

Chunli Deng, Chenglong Li, Shuang Zhou, Xiaodan Wang, Haibin Xu, Dan Wang, Yun Yun Gong, Michael N Routledge, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Risk assessment of deoxynivalenol in high-risk area of China by human biomonitoring using an improved high throughput UPLC-MS/MS method OPEN. Scientific Reports 12/2018; 8(1)., DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22206-y

Zhiqiang Chen, Lian Chen, Ling Lin, Yongning Wu, FengFu Fu: A Colorimetric Sensor for the Visual Detection of Azodicarbonamide in Flour Based on Azodicarbonamide-Induced Anti-Aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles. 09/2018; 3(10)., DOI:10.1021/acssensors.8b00705

Xuexiang Shi, Ning Li, Di Wu, Na Hu, Jing Sun, Xuxia Zhou, Yourui Suo, Guoliang Li, yongning wu: Magnetic covalent organic framework material: Synthesis and application as a sorbent for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Analytical methods 09/2018; 10(41)., DOI:10.1039/C8AY01572D

Na Li, Junjie Du, Di Wu, Jichao Liu, Ning Li, Zhiwei Sun, Guoliang Li, Yongning Wu: Recent advances in facile synthesis and applications of covalent organic framework materials as superior adsorbents in sample pretreatment. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 09/2018; 108., DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2018.08.025

Yunxia Yang, Song Yu, Na Liu, Haibin Xu, Yunyun Gong, Yongning Wu, Peilong Wang, Xiaoou Su, Yucai Liao, Sarah De Saeger, Hans-Ulrich Humpf, Aibo Wu: Transcription Factor FOXO3a Is a Negative Regulator of Cytotoxicity of Fusarium mycotoxin in GES-1 Cells. Toxicological Sciences 08/2018;, DOI:10.1093/toxsci/kfy216

Lei Zhang, Congrong Fang, Liping Liu, Xin Liu, Sai Fan, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Song Ni, Shaoyan Liu, Yongning Wu: A case-control study of urinary levels of iodine, perchlorate and thiocyanate and risk of papillary thyroid cancer. Environment international 08/2018; 120:388-393., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.024

Lin Qiao, Lirong Gao, Minghui Zheng, Dan Xia, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yongning Wu, Runhua Wang, Lili Cui, Chi Xu: Mass Fractions, Congener Group Patterns, and Placental Transfer of Short- and Medium-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Paired Maternal and Cord Serum. Environmental Science and Technology 08/2018; 52(17)., DOI:10.1021/acs.est.8b02839

Jiao Huo, Zhenzhen Huang, Renjia Li, Yang Song, Zhen Lan, Sijia Ma, Yongning Wu, Jinyao Chen, Lishi Zhang: Dietary cadmium exposure assessment in rural areas of Southwest China. PLoS ONE 08/2018; 13(8):e0201454., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0201454

Ning Li, Di Wu, Jichao Liu, Na Hu, Xuexiang Shi, Chunji Dai, Zhiwei Sun, Yourui Suo, Guoliang Li, Yongning Wu: Magnetic covalent organic frameworks based on magnetic solid phase extraction for determination of six steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in food samples. Microchemical Journal 08/2018; 143., DOI:10.1016/j.microc.2018.08.036

Di Wu, Na Hu, Jichao Liu, Guangsen Fan, Xiuting Li, Jing Sun, Chunji Dai, Yourui Suo, Guoliang Li, Yongning Wu: Ultrasensitive colorimetric sensing strategy based on ascorbic acid triggered remarkable photoactive-nanoperoxidase for signal amplification and its application to α-glucosidase activity detection. Talanta 07/2018; 190., DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2018.07.073

Yingbo Shen, Hongwei Zhou, Jiao Xu, Yongqiang Wang, Qijing Zhang, Timothy R. Walsh, Bing Shao, Congming Wu, Yanyan Hu, Lu Yang, Zhangqi Shen, Zuowei Wu, Qiaoling Sun, Yanran Ou, Yueling Wang, Shaolin Wang, Yongning Wu, Chang Cai, Juan Li, Jianzhong Shen, Rong Zhang, Yang Wang: Anthropogenic and environmental factors associated with high incidence of mcr-1 carriage in humans across China. Nature Microbiology 07/2018; 3(9):1., DOI:10.1038/s41564-018-0205-8

Pengcheng Wang, Yuwei Chen, Lei Wang, Yang Wu, Lichun Wang, Yongning Wu, Zhiyong Gong: The intervention mechanism of folic acid for benzo(a)pyrene toxic effects in vitro and in vivo. European Journal of Cancer Prevention 07/2018;, DOI:10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000461

Xin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Guimin Meng, Min Chi, Tiantian Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: A nested case-control study of the association between exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Environment international 06/2018; 119:232-238., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2018.06.029

Hongjian Miao, Yue Huang, Chao Ma, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Isotope Dilution Tandem Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Phthalate Secondary Metabolites in Human Serum Based on Solid-Phase Extraction. Journal of AOAC International 06/2018;, DOI:10.5740/jaoacint.18-0025

Chenglong Li, Chunli Deng, Shuang Zhou, Yunfeng Zhao, Dan Wang, Xiaodan Wang, Yun Yun Gong, Yongning Wu: High-throughput and sensitive determination of urinary zearalenone and metabolites by UPLC-MS/MS and its application to a human exposure study. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 06/2018; 410(21)., DOI:10.1007/s00216-018-1186-4

Yuming Hu, Chuanzhu Yi, Jingguang Li, Xiaohong Shang, Zimin Li, Xiaochen Yin, Bo Chen, Yuechan Zhou, Yinyin Zhang, Yongning Wu: Correction to: Seasonal variations of PCDD/Fs in fishes: inferring a hidden exposure route from Na-PCP application for schistosomiasis control. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 06/2018; 190(6)., DOI:10.1007/s10661-018-6706-3

Mati Ullah Khan, Ishfaq Ahmed, Hong Lin, Zhenxing Li, Joana Costa, Isabel Mafra, Yan Chen, Yong-Ning Wu: Potential efficacy of processing technologies for mitigating crustacean allergenicity. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 05/2018;, DOI:10.1080/10408398.2018.1471658

Yu Zhang, Mengmeng Huang, Pan Zhuang, Jingjing Jiao, Xinyu Chen, Jun Wang, Yongning Wu: Exposure to acrylamide and the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2006. Environment international 05/2018; 117:154-163., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2018.04.047

Yuxin Wang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Assessment and application for the results of global intercalibration study of typical perfluoroalkyl substances in foods and human matrices. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2018; 47(3):453-458.

Pei Liu, Yafei Zhang, Jinfang Su, Zhimao Bai, Taishun Li, Yongning Wu: Maximum cadmium limits establishment strategy based on the dietary exposure estimation: an example from Chinese populations and subgroups. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 04/2018; 25(Suppl 2)., DOI:10.1007/s11356-018-1783-y

Wencheng Cao, Xiao Liu, Xiaofang Liu, Yan Zhou, Xiaotian Zhang, Haoyuan Tian, Jin Wang, Shixian Feng, Yongning Wu, Parveen Bhatti, Sheng Wen, Xin Sun: Perfluoroalkyl substances in umbilical cord serum and gestational and postnatal growth in a Chinese birth cohort. Environment international 04/2018; 116:197-205., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2018.04.015

Yanshen Li, Guizhen Zhang, Xin Mao, Shupeng Yang, Karl De Ruyck, Yongning Wu: High Sensitivity Immunoassays for Small Molecule Compounds Detection – Novel Noncompetitive Immunoassay Designs. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 04/2018; 103., DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2018.04.008

Yuming Hu, Chuanzhu Yi, Jingguang Li, Xiaohong Shang, Zimin Li, Xiaochen Yin, Bo Chen, Yuechan Zhou, Yinyin Zhang, Yongning Wu: Seasonal variations of PCDD/Fs in fishes: inferring a hidden exposure route from Na-PCP application for schistosomiasis control. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 04/2018; 190(4)., DOI:10.1007/s10661-018-6533-6

Zhiqiang Chen, Xusheng Wang, Xian Cheng, WeiJuan Yang, Yongning Wu, FengFu Fu: Specifically and Visually Detect Methyl-Mercury and Ethyl-Mercury in Fish Sample Based on DNA-Templated Alloy Ag-Au Nanoparticles. Analytical Chemistry 03/2018; 90(8)., DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.8b01100

Ning Li, Di Wu, Na Hu, Guangsen Fan, Xiuting Li, Jing Sun, Xuefeng Chen, Yourui Suo, Guoliang Li, Yongning Wu: Effective Enrichment and Detection of Trace Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Food Samples based on Magnetic Covalent Organic Framework Hybrid Microspheres. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 03/2018; 66(13)., DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b00869

Lei Zhang, Xin Liu, Guimin Meng, Min Chi, Jingguang Li, Shuaixing Yin, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in early pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Environment international 03/2018; 115:127-132., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2018.03.012

Yuxin Wang, Lei Zhang, Yue Teng, Jiayu Zhang, Lin Yang, Jingguang Li, Jianqiang Lai, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Association of serum levels of perfluoroalkyl substances with gestational diabetes mellitus and postpartum blood glucose. Journal of Environmental Sciences 03/2018; 69., DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2018.03.016

Yong-ning Wu, Jun-shi Chen: Food Safety Monitoring and Surveillance in China: Past, Present and Future. Food Control 03/2018; 90., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.03.009

Runhua Wang, Lirong Gao, Minghui Zheng, Yiling Tian, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yongning Wu, Huiting Huang, Lin Qiao, Wenbin Liu, Guijin Su, Guorui Liu, Ying Liu: Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in aquatic foods from 18 Chinese provinces: Occurrence, spatial distributions, and risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment 02/2018; 615:1199-1206., DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.327

Yong-ning Wu, Pei Liu, Jun-shi Chen: Food Safety Risk Assessment in China: Past, Present and Future. Food Control 02/2018; 90., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.02.049

Zhixiong Shi, Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: Legacy and emerging brominated flame retardants in China: A review on food and human milk contamination, human dietary exposure and risk assessment. Chemosphere 02/2018; 198., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.01.161

Ou Hu, Lu Xu, Haiyan Fu, Tianming Yang, Yao Fan, Wei Lan, Hebing Tang, Yu Wu, Lixia Ma, Di Wu, Yuan Wang, Zuobing Xiao, Yuanbin She: “Turn-off” fluorescent sensor based on double quantum dots coupled with chemometrics for highly sensitive and specific recognition of 53 famous green teas. Analytica Chimica Acta 01/2018; 1008., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2017.12.042

Yiquan Chen, Lian Chen, Xusheng Wang, Zhiming Xi, Yongning Wu, FengFu Fu: DNA binding in combination with capillary electrophoresis and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the rapid speciation analysis of mercury. 01/2018; 1(1)., DOI:10.1002/sscp.201700015

Yan Chen, Hua Ji, Li-Jun Chen, Rong Jiang, Yong-Ning Wu: Food Safety Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior among Dairy Plant Workers in Beijing, Northern China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 01/2018; 15(1):63., DOI:10.3390/ijerph15010063

Nannan Qiu, Chunli Deng, Shuang Zhou, Yunfeng Zhao, Shuo Zhang, Yongning Wu: Occurrences of mycotoxins in human breast milk in 15 provinces in China in 2011. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 01/2018; 47(1):65-72.

Xin Jin, Yingying Zhong, Lian Chen, Liangjun Xu, Yongning Wu, FengFu Fu: A Palladium-Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride Nanosheet with High Peroxidase-Like Activity: Preparation, Characterization, and Application in Glucose Detection. Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 12/2017; 35(3):1700359., DOI:10.1002/ppsc.201700359

Dawei Chen, Pengcheng Yan, Bing Lv, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Parallel reaction monitoring to improve the detection performance of carcinogenic 4-methylimidazole in food by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry coupled with dispersive micro solid-phase extraction. Food Control 12/2017; 88., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.12.021

Tingting Shang, Liang Liu, Jia Zhou, Mingzhen Zhang, Qinling Hu, Min Fang, Yongning Wu, Ping Yao, Zhiyong Gong: Protective effects of various ratios of DHA/EPA supplementation on high-fat diet-induced liver damage in mice. Lipids in Health and Disease 12/2017; 16(1)., DOI:10.1186/s12944-017-0461-2

Xin Yang, Dawei Chen, Bing Lv, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu, Yunfeng Zhao: Dietary exposure of the Chinese population to phthalate esters by a Total Diet Study. Food Control 11/2017;, DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.11.019

Huiting Huang, Lirong Gao, Minghui Zheng, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yongning Wu, Runhua Wang, Dan Xia, Lin Qiao, Lili Cui, Guijin Su, Wenbin Liu, Guorui Liu: Dietary exposure to short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in meat and meat products from 20 provinces of China. Environmental Pollution 10/2017; 233:439-445., DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.10.022

Yu Zhang, Qiao Wang, Gong Zhang, Wei Jia, Yiping Ren, Yongning Wu: Biomarker analysis of hemoglobin adducts of acrylamide and glycidamide enantiomers for mid-term internal exposure assessment by isotope dilution ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta 10/2017; 178., DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2017.09.092

Sijie LIU, Yongning WU, Chiguang FANG, Yong CUI, Nan JIANG, Hui WANG: Simultaneous Determination of 19 Plant Growth Regulator Residues in Plant-originated Foods by QuEChERS and Stable Isotope Dilution–Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Sciences 09/2017; 33(9):1047-1052., DOI:10.2116/analsci.33.1047

Lei Zhang, Shuaixing Yin, Yunfeng Zhao, Zhixiong Shi, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls in human milk from China under the Stockholm Convention. Chemosphere 09/2017; 189., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.09.014

Yuxin Wang, Yuxin Zhong, Jingguang Li, Jianqing Zhang, Bing Lyu, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in matched human serum, urine, hair and nail. Journal of Environmental Sciences 09/2017; 67., DOI:10.1016/j.jes.2017.08.017

Xian Cheng, Xinhui Yu, Lian Chen, Hongyan Zhang, Yongning Wu, FengFu Fu: Visual detection of ultra-trace levels of uranyl ions using magnetic bead-based DNAzyme recognition in combination with rolling circle amplification. Microchimica Acta 08/2017; 184(11):1-9., DOI:10.1007/s00604-017-2472-0

Weiheng Kong, Di Wu, Na Hu, Ning Li, Chunji Dai, Xuefeng Chen, Yourui Suo, Guoliang Li, Yongning Wu: Robust hybrid enzyme nanoreactor mediated plasmonic sensing strategy for ultrasensitive screening of anti-diabetic drug. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 08/2017; 99., DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2017.08.009

Huichang Liu, Bo Cui, Yi Xu, Chaoyang Hu, Ying Liu, Guorun Qu, Dawei Li, Yongning Wu, Dabing Zhang, Sheng Quan, Jianxin Shi: Ethyl carbamate induces cell death through its effects on multiple metabolic pathways. Chemico-Biological Interactions 08/2017; 277., DOI:10.1016/j.cbi.2017.08.008

Yong-ning Wu, Xiu-mei Liu, Qian Chen, Hong Liu, Yue Dai, Yi-jing Zhou, Jian Wen, Zhen-zhu Tang, Yan Chen: Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks in China, 2003 to 2008. Food Control 08/2017; 84., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.08.010

Zhixiong Shi, Lei Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Zhiwei Sun, Xianqing Zhou, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: Dietary exposure assessment of Chinese population to tetrabromobisphenol-A, hexabromocyclododecane and decabrominated diphenyl ether: Results of the 5th Chinese Total Diet Study. Environmental Pollution 07/2017; 229:539-547., DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2017.06.093

Chao Huang, Mayu Sun, Yang Yang, Feng Wang, Xueqi Ma, Jingquan Li, Yilong Wang, Qiurong Ding, Hao Ying, Haiyun Song, Yongning Wu, Yiguo Jiang, Xudong Jia, Qian Ba, Hui Wang: Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Prime a Specific Activation State of Macrophages. Nanotoxicology 07/2017; 11(6):1-45., DOI:10.1080/17435390.2017.1349202

Lei Zhang, Yuxin Zhong, Xin Liu, Yan Bao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Zongwei Cai, Jingguang Li: Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in human serum using programmable-temperature vaporization gas chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science 06/2017; 40(17)., DOI:10.1002/jssc.201700465

Hong Mei, Pengle Yao, Shanshan Wang, Na Li, Tengfei Zhu, Xiaofang Chen, Mengmei Yang, Shu Zhuo, Shiting Chen, Ji Ming Wang, Hui Wang, Dong Xie, Yongning Wu, Yingying Le: Chronic Low-Dose Cadmium Exposure Impairs Cutaneous Wound Healing With Defective Early Inflammatory Responses After Skin Injury. Toxicological Sciences 06/2017; 159(2)., DOI:10.1093/toxsci/kfx137

Dan Xia, Li-Rong Gao, Ming-Hui Zheng, Jing-Guang Li, Lei Zhang, Yong-Ning Wu, Lin Qiao, Qi-Chang Tian, Hui-Ting Huang, Wen-Bin Liu, Gui-Jin Su, Guo-Rui Liu: Health risks posed to infants in rural China by exposure to short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in breast milk. Environment international 06/2017; 103:1-7., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2017.03.013

Shuaimin Lu, Di Wu, Guoliang Li, Zhengxian Lv, Peiwei Gong, Lian Xia, Zhiwei Sun, Guang Chen, Xuefeng Chen, Jinmao You, Yongning Wu: Facile and sensitive determination of N-nitrosamines in food samples by high-performance liquid chromatography via combining fluorescent labeling with dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Food Chemistry 05/2017; 234., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.05.032

Zhixiong Shi, Lei Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: A national survey of tetrabromobisphenol-A, hexabromocyclododecane and decabrominated diphenyl ether in human milk from China: Occurrence and exposure assessment. Science of The Total Environment 05/2017; 599-600:237-245., DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.04.237

Rongmin Zhang, Zhihai Liu, Jiyun Li, Lei Lei, Wenjuan Yin, Mei Li, Congming Wu, Timothy R. Walsh, Yang Wang, Shaolin Wang, Yongning Wu: Presence of VIM-Positive Pseudomonas Species in Chickens and Their Surrounding Environment. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 04/2017; 61(7):AAC.00167-17., DOI:10.1128/AAC.00167-17

Weiheng Kong, Di Wu, Lian Xia, Xuefeng Chen, Guoliang Li, Nannan Qiu, Guang Chen, Zhiwei Sun, Jinmao You, Yongning Wu: Carbon dots for fluorescent detection of α-glucosidase activity using enzyme activated inner filter effect and its application to anti-diabetic drug discovery. Analytica Chimica Acta 04/2017; 973., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2017.03.050

Di Wu, Guoliang Li, Xuefeng Chen, Nannan Qiu, Xuexiang Shi, Guang Chen, Zhiwei Sun, Jinmao You, Yongning Wu: Fluorometric determination and imaging of glutathione based on a thiol-triggered inner filter effect on the fluorescence of carbon dots. Microchimica Acta 03/2017; 184(6):1-9., DOI:10.1007/s00604-017-2187-2

Dawei Chen, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Dispersive micro solid phase extraction of amantadine, rimantadine and memantine in chicken muscle with magnetic cation exchange polymer. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 03/2017; 1051., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.03.005

Yang Wang, Rongmin Zhang, Jiyun Li, Zuowei Wu, Wenjuan Yin, Stefan Schwarz, Jonathan M. Tyrrell, Yongjun Zheng, Shaolin Wang, Zhangqi Shen, Zhihai Liu, Jianye Liu, Lei Lei, Mei Li, Qidi Zhang, Congming Wu, Qijing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Timothy R. Walsh, Jianzhong Shen: Comprehensive resistome analysis reveals the prevalence of NDM and MCR-1 in Chinese poultry production. Nature Microbiology 02/2017; 2:16260., DOI:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.260

Yu Shi, Lin Yang, Jingguang Li, Jianqiang Lai, Yuxin Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in cord serum and association with growth indicators in newborns from Beijing. Chemosphere 02/2017; 169:396-402., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.11.050

Jiaying Liu, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu, Yunfeng Zhao, Fengji Luo, Shuming Li, Lin Yang, Elham Khodayari Moez, Irina Andreea Dinu, Jonathan W. Martin: Bisphenol A Metabolites and Bisphenol S in Paired Maternal and Cord Serum. Environmental Science and Technology 01/2017; 51(4)., DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b05718

Weiheng Kong, Di Wu, Guoliang Li, Xuefeng Chen, Peiwei Gong, Zhiwei Sun, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Jinmao You, Yongning Wu: A facile carbon dots based fluorescent probe for ultrasensitive detection of ascorbic acid in biological fluids via non-oxidation reduction strategy. Talanta 01/2017; 165., DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2017.01.022

Haitao Shen, Rongfa Guan, Gangqiang Ding, Qing Chen, Xiaoming Lou, Zhijian Chen, Lei Zhang, Mingluan Xing, Jianlong Han, Yongning Wu: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Zhejiang foods (2006–2015): Market basket and polluted areas. Science of The Total Environment 01/2017; 574:120-127., DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.09.038

Dan Xia, Lirong Gao, Minghui Zheng, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yongning Wu, Qichang Tian, Huiting Huang, Lin Qiao: Human Exposure to Short- and Medium-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins via Mothers’ Milk in Chinese Urban Population. Environmental Science and Technology 12/2016; 51(1)., DOI:10.1021/acs.est.6b04246

Jian Li, Tian Chen, Yuwei Wang, Zhixiong Shi, Xianqing Zhou, Zhiwei Sun, Dejun Wang, Yongning Wu: Simple and fast analysis of tetrabromobisphenol A, hexabromocyclododecane isomers, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in serum using solid-phase extraction or QuEChERS extraction followed by tandem mass spectrometry coupled to HPLC and GC. Journal of Separation Science 11/2016; 40(3)., DOI:10.1002/jssc.201600969

Ye He, Fan Mo, Danlong Chen, LiangJun Xu, Yongning Wu, FengFu Fu: Capillary electrophoresis inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined with metal tag for ultra‐sensitively determining trace saxitoxin in seafood. Electrophoresis 11/2016; 38(3-4)., DOI:10.1002/elps.201600411

Jinmao You, Di Wu, Mei Zhao, Guoliang Li, Peiwei Gong, Yueyue Wu, Yu Guo, Guang Chen, Xianen Zhao, Zhiwei Sun, Lian Xia, Yongning Wu: Development of a facile and sensitive HPLC-FLD method via fluorescence labeling for triterpenic acid bioavailability investigation: New method for triterpenic acid bioavailability investigation. Biomedical Chromatography 11/2016; 31(6)., DOI:10.1002/bmc.3894

Jinfang Sun, Yongning Wu: Evaluation of dietary exposure to deoxynivalenol (DON) and its derivatives from cereals in China. Food Control 11/2016; 69:90-99., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2016.04.040

Timothy R Walsh, Yongning Wu: China bans colistin as a feed additive for animals. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 10/2016; 16(10):1102-1103., DOI:10.1016/S1473-3099(16)30329-2

Qian Ba, Mian Li, Peizhan Chen, Chao Huang, Xiaohua Duan, Lijun Lu, Jingquan Li, Ruiai Chu, Dong Xie, Haiyun Song, Yongning Wu, Hao Ying, Xudong Jia, Hui Wang: Gender-Dependent Effects of Cadmium Exposure in Early Life on Gut Microbiota and Fat Accumulation in Mice. Environmental Health Perspectives 09/2016; 125(3)., DOI:10.1289/EHP360

Ye He, Zhiqiang Chen, Fan Mo, Limei Huang, LiangJun Xu, Yongning Wu, Zhimin Xue, FengFu Fu: Species characteristics of lead in sea foods collected from coastal water of Fujian, Southeastern of China. Scientific Reports 09/2016; 6:33294., DOI:10.1038/srep33294

Zhixiong Shi, Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Zhiwei Sun, Xianqing Zhou, Yongning Wu: Novel brominated flame retardants in food composites and human milk from the Chinese Total Diet Study in 2011: Concentrations and a dietary exposure assessment. Environment International 09/2016; 86:82-90., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2016.09.005

Nannan Qiu, Di Wu, Xia Cui, Guoliang Li, Sai Fan, Dawei Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Simultaneous Determination of Multiple Intracellular Primary Metabolites by Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with a Q Exactive HF Mass Spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry 09/2016; 88(19)., DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.6b02417

Xiao Liu, Sheng Wen, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: A study on the levels of a polybrominated biphenyl in Chinese human milk samples collected in 2007 and 2011. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 09/2016; 188(9):1-8., DOI:10.1007/s10661-016-5530-x

Haitao Shen, James Starr, Jianlong Han, Lei Zhang, Dasheng Lu, Rongfa Guan, Xiaomin Xu, Xiaofeng Wang, Jingguang Li, Weiwei Li, Yanjun Zhang, Yongning Wu: The bioaccessibility of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs) in cooked plant and animal origin foods. Environment international 09/2016; 94:33-42., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2016.05.003

Qin Zhao, Yang Wang, Shaolin Wang, Zheng Wang, Xiang-dang Du, Haiyang Jiang, Xi Xia, Zhangqi Shen, Shuangyang Ding, Congming Wu, Bingrui Zhou, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: Prevalence and Abundance of Florfenicol and Linezolid Resistance Genes in Soils Adjacent to Swine Feedlots. Scientific Reports 08/2016; 6:32192., DOI:10.1038/srep32192

Fang Lei, Chenglong Li, Shuang Zhou, Dan Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Hyphenation of supercritical fluid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry for fast determination of four aflatoxins in edible oil: Hyphenation of supercritical fluid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 08/2016; 30(S1):122-127., DOI:10.1002/rcm.7619

Lei Zhang, Shuangxing Yin, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Increase of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans and Dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Human Milk from China in 2007 ? 2011. International journal of hygiene and environmental health 07/2016; 219(8)., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheh.2016.07.013

Jie Yin, Hao Wang, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Occurrence of synthetic musks in human breast milk samples from twelve provinces in China. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 06/2016; 33(7)., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2016.1201219

John Spink, Neal D. Fortin, Douglas C. Moyer, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Food Fraud Prevention: Policy, Strategy, and Decision-Making – Implementation Steps for a Government Agency or Industry. CHIMIA International Journal for Chemistry 05/2016; 70(5):320-328., DOI:10.2533/chimia.2016.320

Y. Liu, R. Ran, C. Hu, B. Cui, Y. Xu, H. Liu, S. Quan, D. Li, X. Li, Y. Wu, D. Zhang, J. Shi: The metabolic responses of HepG2 cells to the exposure of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol. World Mycotoxin Journal 05/2016; 9(4):1-10., DOI:10.3920/WMJ2015.1981

Zhenni Du, Hongjian Miao, Yongning Wu: Determination of 17 plasticizers in dairy food. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2016; 45(3):465-469.

Yanshen Li, Jing Zhang, Yongtao Wu, Gongzhen Liu, Liting Song, Yonggang Li, Jianrong Yang, Yanli You: High-sensitive Chemiluminescent immunoassay investigation and application for the detection of T-2 toxin and major metabolite HT-2 toxin. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 05/2016; 97(3)., DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7801

Shuaimin Lu, Guoliang Li, Zhengxian Lv, Nannan Qiu, Weiheng Kong, Peiwei Gong, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Xiaoxi Guo, Jinmao You, Yongning Wu: Facile and ultrasensitive fluorescence sensor platform for tumor invasive biomaker β-glucuronidase detection and inhibitor evaluation with carbon quantum dots based on inner-filter effect. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 05/2016; 85., DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2016.05.021

Wenjing Jiang, Zhiqiang Chen, Xian Cheng, WeiHua Wu, yongning wu, LiangJun Xu, Fengfu Fu: A novel ion imprinted SiO 2 microsphere for the specific and rapid extraction and pre-concentration of ultra-trace methyl mercury. RSC Advances 04/2016; 6(46)., DOI:10.1039/C6RA05973B

X.F. Yang, Y.N. Wu: Adverse effects of low dose exposures to cadmium below renal damage level should be emphasized for human health effect studies. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 04/2016; 50(4):292-295., DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0253-9624.2016.04.002

Z.X. Li, P. Wang, R. Huang, X.X. Liang, Z.J. Dun, Q. Jiang, Q. Huang, H.T. Ling, J. Wang, J.B. Tan, S.X. Wu, Z.H. Chen, Y.Y. Gao, Y.J. Lyu, Y.N. Wu, X.F. Yang: Cadmium burden and renal dysfunction among residents in cadmium-polluted areas: A 3-year follow-up study. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 04/2016; 50(4):322-327., DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0253-9624.2016.04.008

H.T. Ling, R. Huang, X.X. Liang, Z.X. Li, J. Wang, J.B. Tan, S.X. Wu, P. Wang, Z.H. Chen, Q. Huang, Y.J. Lyu, Q. Jiang, X.F. Yang, Y.N. Wu: Long-term effect of environmental cadmium exposure on human body's mineral metabolic balance. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 04/2016; 50(4):316-321., DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0253-9624.2016.04.007

Mei Zhao, Guoliang Li, Nannan Qiu, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Jinmao You, yongning wu: Highly efficient and sensitive screening of ractopamine in foodstuffs by HPLC-FLD using fluorescent labeling and ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction. Analytical methods 03/2016; 8(17)., DOI:10.1039/C5AY03206G

Yafei Zhang, Pei Liu, Cannan Wang, Yongning Wu: Human health risk assessment of cadmium via dietary intake by children in Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 03/2016; 39(1)., DOI:10.1007/s10653-016-9805-5

Liang Liu, Qinling Hu, Huihui Wu, Yihong Xue, Liang Cai, Min Fang, Zhiguo Liu, Ping Yao, Yongning Wu, Zhiyong Gong: Protective role of n6/n3 PUFA supplementation with varying DHA/EPA ratios against atherosclerosis in mice. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 03/2016; 32., DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2016.02.010

Xiaohong Shang, Guixian Dong, Hongxia Zhang, Lei Zhang, Xinwei Yu, Jingguang Li, Xiangyong Wang, Bing Yue, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in various marine fish from Zhoushan fishery, China. Food Control 03/2016; 67., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2016.03.008

Yanli You, Liting Song, Yanshen Li, Yongtao Wu: Simple and Fast Extraction Coupled UPLC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Mequindox and Its Major Metabolites in Food Animal Tissues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 03/2016; 64(11)., DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05903

Xin Liu, Liangqing Zheng, Rong Zhang, Gang Liu, Shensheng Xiao, Xiaoting Qiao, Yongning Wu, Zhiyong Gong: Toxicological evaluation of Advanced glycation end product Nε-(carboxymethyl)lysine: acute and subacute oral toxicity studies. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 02/2016; 77., DOI:10.1016/j.yrtph.2016.02.013

Mei Zhao, Guoliang Li, Weiheng Kong, Shuaimin Lu, Lian Xia, Guang Chen, Xianen Zhao, Yongning Wu, Jinmao You: Convenient and Sensitive HPLC Method for Determination of Nitrosamines in Foodstuffs Based on Pre-column Fluorescence Labeling. Chromatographia 02/2016; 79(7-8)., DOI:10.1007/s10337-016-3040-1

Lin Yang, Jingguang Li, Jianqiang Lai, Hemi Luan, Zongwei Cai, Yibaina Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Placental Transfer of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Associations with Thyroid Hormones: Beijing Prenatal Exposure Study. Scientific Reports 02/2016; 6:21699., DOI:10.1038/srep21699

David B. Hipgrave, Suying Chang, Xiaowei Li, Yongning Wu: Salt and Sodium Intake in China. JAMA The Journal of the American Medical Association 02/2016; 315(7):703., DOI:10.1001/jama.2015.15816

Xia Cui, Jiayi Wang, Nannan Qiu, yongning wu: In vitro toxicological evaluation of ethyl carbamate in human HepG2 cells. Toxicology Research 02/2016; 5(2)., DOI:10.1039/C5TX00453E

Lin Yang, Zhen Wang, Yu Shi, Jingguang Li, Yuxin Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Zongwei Cai: Human placental transfer of perfluoroalkyl acid precursors: Levels and profiles in paired maternal and cord serum. Chemosphere 02/2016; 144:1631-1638., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.10.063

Guoliang Li, Huili Fu, Xuejie Chen, Peiwei Gong, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Hua Wang, Jin-Mao You, Yongning Wu: Facile and Sensitive Fluorescence Sensing of Alkaline Phosphatase Activity with Photoluminescent Carbon Dots Based on Inner Filter Effect. Analytical Chemistry 01/2016; 88(5)., DOI:10.1021/acs.analchem.5b04193

Shuaimin Lu, Di Wu, Guoliang Li, Zhengxian Lv, Lu Chen, Zilin Chen, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Jinmao You, yongning wu: Carbon dots-based ratiometric nanosensor for highly sensitive and selective detection of mercury(II) ions and glutathione. RSC Advances 01/2016; 6(105)., DOI:10.1039/C6RA21309J

WeiJuan Yang, Zhiming Xi, Xiaoxue Zeng, Ling Fang, Wenjing Jiang, yongning wu, LiangJun Xu, Fengfu Fu: Magnetic bead-based AuNP labelling combined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for sensitively and specifically counting cancer cells. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 12/2015; 31(3)., DOI:10.1039/C5JA00364D

YiQuan Chen, Xian Cheng, Fan Mo, LiMei Huang, Zujian Wu, Yongning Wu, LiangJun Xu, FengFu Fu: Ultra-sensitive speciation analysis of mercury by CE-ICP-MS together with field-amplified sample stacking injection and dispersive solid-phase extraction. Electrophoresis 12/2015; 37(7-8)., DOI:10.1002/elps.201500460

Guoliang Li, Weiheng Kong, Mei Zhao, Shuaimin Lu, Peiwei Gong, Guang Chen, Lian Xia, Hua Wang, Jinmao You, Yongning Wu: A fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based “Turn-On” nanofluorescence sensor using a nitrogen-doped carbon dot-hexagonal cobalt oxyhydroxide nanosheet architecture and application to α-glucosidase inhibitor screening. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 12/2015; 79., DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2015.12.094

Jie Gao, Yunfeng Zhao, Feng Zhu, Yongjian Ma, Xiaowei Li, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Dietary exposure of acrylamide from the fifth Chinese Total Diet Study. Food and Chemical Toxicology 12/2015; 87., DOI:10.1016/j.fct.2015.11.013

Kejia Wu, Xin Liu, Min Fang, Yongning Wu, Zhiyong Gong: Zearalenone induces oxidative damage involving Keap1/Nrf2/HO-1 pathway in hepatic L02 cells. Molecular and Cellular Toxicology 12/2015; 10(4):451-457., DOI:10.1007/s13273-014-0050-7

Hongyan Zhang, Ling Lin, Xiaoxue Zeng, Yajuan Ruan, Yongning Wu, Minggui Lin, Ye He, FengFu Fu: Magnetic beads-based DNAzyme recognition and AuNPs-based enzymatic catalysis amplification for visual detection of trace uranyl ion in aqueous environment. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 11/2015; 78., DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2015.11.024

Pan Zhu, Xu-xia Liang, Ping Wang, Jing Wang, Yan-hong Gao, Shu-guang Hu, Qiong Huang, Rui Huang, Qi Jiang, Shi-xuan Wu, Zhi-xue Li, Hai-tuan Ling, Yinghua-Xu, Yong-ning Wu, Fei Zou, Xing-fen Yang: Assessment of dietary cadmium exposure: a cross-sectional study in rural areas of South China. Food Control 11/2015; 62., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.10.046

Dawei Chen, Yiping Ren, Qiding Zhong, Yi Shao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Ethyl carbamate in alcoholic beverages from China: Levels, dietary intake, and risk assessment. Food Control 11/2015;, DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.10.047

Dawei Chen, Yiping Zhang, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Determination of Triazine Herbicides in Drinking Water by Dispersive Micro Solid Phase Extraction with Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography - High Resolution Mass Spectrometric Detection. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 10/2015; 63(44)., DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b03973

Y.-R. Zhang, Ping Wang, X.-X. Liang, Chuen Seng Tan, J.-B. Tan, Jing Wang, Qiong Huang, Rui Huang, Z.-X. Li, W.-C. Chen, S.-X. Wu, Choon Nam Ong, X.-F. Yang, Y.-N. Wu: Associations between Urinary Excretion of Cadmium and Renal Biomarkers in Nonsmoking Females: A Cross-Sectional Study in Rural Areas of South China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 09/2015; 12(10):11988-12001., DOI:10.3390/ijerph121011988

Heli Li, Dawei Chen, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Jianzhong Shen, Yongning Wu: Direct determination of fatty acid esters of 3-chloro-1, 2-propanediol in edible vegetable oils by isotope dilution- ultra high performance liquid chromatography- triple quadrupole mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 07/2015; 1410., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2015.07.080

Lei Zhang, Shuaixing Yin, Xiangyong Wang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Xiaowei Li, Haitao Shen, Yongning Wu: Assessment of dietary intake of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls from the Chinese Total Diet Study in 2011. Chemosphere 07/2015; 137:178-184., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.07.031

Yan Chen, Baojun Yuan, Guoxiang Xie, Shiqi Zhen, Yijing Zhou, Bing Shao, Jing Zhang, Hua Ji, Yongning Wu: Outbreak of Haff Disease Caused by Consumption of Crayfish (Procambarus Clarkki), Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China. Food Control 07/2015; 59:690-694., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.06.031

Yunrui Zhang, Xuxia Liang, Wencai Chen, Jing Wang, Qiong Huang, Zihui Chen, Ping Wang, Rui Huang, Shuguang Hu, Zhixue Li, Liuying Tang, Guian Wang, Fei Yang, Xiaowei Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Xingfen Yang, Yongning Wu: [Long-term effect of cadmium exposure on residents' renal dysfunction: An epidemiologic study]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 07/2015; 49(7):638-643.

Xiaowei Li, Ke Xie, Bing Yue, Yunyun Gong, Yi Shao, Xiaohong Shang, Yongning Wu: Inorganic arsenic contamination of rice from Chinese major rice-producing areas and exposure assessment in Chinese population. Science China-Chemistry 07/2015;, DOI:10.1007/s11426-015-5443-5

Yafei Zhang, Pei Liu, Yingliang Jin, Cannan Wang, Jie Min, Yongning Wu: Dietary Exposure and Risk Assessment to Cadmium of the Adult Population of Jiangsu Province, China: Comparing between Semi-probabilistic and Fully Probabilistic Approaches. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 06/2015; 22(1):00-00., DOI:10.1080/10807039.2015.1057103

Lin Yang, Meng Wang, Jingguang Li, Yuxin Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Analysis of perfluoroalkyl substances and their precursors in eighteen market milk]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2015; 49(6):524-8.

Shan Li, Hong Miao, Xia Cui, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Development of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of fatty acid esters of chloropropanols in milk powder and the pollution level of infant formula]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2015; 49(6):554-559.

Lin Yang, Xinping Yu, Meng Wang, Jingguang Li, Yuxin Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Analysis of perfluoroalkyl substances precursors in human milk from 12 provinces of China]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2015; 49(6):529-533.

Xin Zhang, Dan Wang, Jingjing Lu, Shuang Zhou, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Preparation of characterization of complete antigen of T-2 toxin and deoxynivalenol]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2015; 44(1):95-8, 105.

Dawei Chen, Shuo Zhang, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Simple and rapid analysis of muscarine in human urine using dispersive micro-solid phase extraction and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Analytical methods 05/2015; 7(9)., DOI:10.1039/C5AY00209E

Yi Xiong Gao, Hong Xia Zhang, Jing Guang Li, Lei Zhang, Xin Wei Yu, Jia Lu He, Xiao Hong Shang, Yun Feng Zhao, Yong Ning Wu: The Benefit Risk Assessment of Consumption of Marine Species Based on Benefit-Risk Analysis for Foods (BRAFO)-tiered Approach. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 04/2015; 28(4):243-52., DOI:10.3967/bes2015.035

Dawei Chen, Hongjian Miao, Jianhong Zou, Hong Miao, Ling Lu, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Determination of Phthalate Esters in Liquor by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Letters 03/2015; 48(5)., DOI:10.1080/00032719.2014.961639

Shuang Zhou, Dan Wang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: A rapid HPLC method for indirect quantification of β-lactamase activity in milk. Journal of Dairy Science 02/2015; 98(4)., DOI:10.3168/jds.2014-8845

Dawei Chen, Hong Miao, Jianhong Zou, Pei Cao, Ning Ma, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Novel Dispersive Micro-Solid-Phase Extraction Combined with Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography?High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry To Determine Morpholine Residues in Citrus and Apples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 01/2015; 63(2):485-492.

Yumin Niu, Jing Zhang, Hejun Duan, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Bisphenol A and nonylphenol in foodstuffs: Chinese dietary exposure from the 2007 total diet study and infant health risk from formulas. Food Chemistry 01/2015; 167C:320-325., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.06.115

Qian Ba, Junyang Li, Chao Huang, Jingquan Li, Ruiai Chu, Yongning Wu, Hui Wang: Topological, Functional, and Dynamic Properties of the Protein Interaction Networks Rewired by Benzo(a)pyrene.. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 01/2015; 283(2)., DOI:10.1016/j.taap.2015.01.006

Dawei Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: A novel cation exchange polymer as a reversed-dispersive solid phase extraction sorbent for the rapid determination of rhodamine B residue in chili powder and chili oil. Journal of Chromatography A 12/2014; 1374., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2014.11.070

Wenxiao Jiang, Natalia V. Beloglazova, Zhanhui Wang, Haiyang Jiang, Kai Wen, Sarah de Saeger, Pengjie Luo, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: Development of a multiplex flow-through immunoaffinity chromatography test for the on-site screening of 14 sulfonamide and 13 quinolone residues in milk. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 11/2014; 66:124-128., DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2014.11.004

Dawei Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: A novel dispersive micro solid phase extraction using PCX as the sorbent for the determination of melamine and cyromazine in milk and milk powder by UHPLC-HRMS/MS. Talanta 11/2014; 134C., DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2014.10.036

Qian Ba, Junyang Li, Chao Huang, Hongling Qiu, Jingquan Li, Ruiai Chu, Wei Zhang, Dong Xie, Yongning Wu, Hui Wang: Effects of Benzo[a]pyrene Exposure on Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Angiogenesis, Metastasis, and NF-κB Signaling. Environmental Health Perspectives 10/2014; 123(3)., DOI:10.1289/ehp.1408524

Shuang Zhou, Dan Wang, Chen Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Meiping Zhao, Yongning Wu: A Novel Interaction Mode between Acrylamide and its Specific Antibody. Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 09/2014; 36(3)., DOI:10.1080/15321819.2014.947432

John Spink, Douglas C. Moyer, Hyeonho Park, Yongning Wu, Victor Fersht, Bing Shao, Miao Hong, Seung Yeop Paek: Introducing Food Fraud including translation and interpretation to Russian, Korean, and Chinese languages. Food Chemistry 09/2014; 189., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.09.106

Yi Shao, Jun Wang, Xiao Chen, Yongning Wu: The consolidation of food contaminants standards in China. Food Control 09/2014; 43:213–216., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2014.03.017

Xiangyong Wang, Hongxia Zhang, Lei Zhang, Kai Zhong, Xiaohong Shang, Yunfeng Zhao, Zhendong Tong, Xinwei Yu, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: Assessment on dioxin-like compounds intake from various marine fish from Zhoushan Fishery, China. Chemosphere 08/2014; 118C(1):163-169., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.07.057

Xin Liu, Da Wei Huang, Ke Jia Wu, Yong Ning Wu, Xi Wu Jia, Zhi Yong Gong: An Evaluation of Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity of Melamine in Combination with Cyanuric Acid at Three Mass Ratios. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 08/2014; 27(8):641-5., DOI:10.3967/bes2014.098

Yingliang Jin, Pei Liu, Yongning Wu, Jie Min, Cannan Wang, Jinfang Sun, Yafei Zhang: A systematic review on food lead concentration and dietary lead exposure in China. Chinese medical journal 08/2014; 127(15):2844-9., DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.0366-6999.20133210

Qiding Zhong, Guo Hui Li, Dao Bing Wang, Yi Shao, Zheng He Xiong, Jing Guang Li, Yongning Wu: Exposure Assessment to Ochratoxin A in Chinese Wine. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 07/2014; 62(35)., DOI:10.1021/jf500713x

Yu Shi, Lin Yang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [The application of UPLC-MS/MS to detect precursors of perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluoroalkyl carboxylatesin serum]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 07/2014; 48(7):628-33.

Pan Zhu, Hong Miao, Juan Du, Guowen Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Organochlorine Pesticides and Pyrethroids in Chinese tea by screening and confirmatory detection using GC-NCI-MS and GC-MS/MS.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 06/2014; 62(29)., DOI:10.1021/jf5012424

Pan Zhu, Sai Fan, Jian Hong Zou, Hong Miao, Jing Guang Li, Guo Wen Zhang, Yong Ning Wu: Application of Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry in Analyzing Pharmacokinetics and Distribution of Deltamethrin in Miniature Pig Tissues. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 06/2014; 27(6):426-35., DOI:10.3967/bes2014.035

Min Fang, Fang Lei, Jia Zhou, Yong-Ning Wu, Zhi-Yong Gong: Rapid, simple and selective determination of 2,4-dinitrophenol by molecularly imprinted spin column extraction coupled with fluorescence detection. Chinese Chemical Letters 06/2014; 25(11)., DOI:10.1016/j.cclet.2014.06.015

Hongxia Zhang, Dongmei Wang, Jialing Zhang, Xiaohong Shang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Total mercury in milled rice and brown rice from China and health risk evaluation. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance 06/2014; 7(2):141-146., DOI:10.1080/19393210.2013.860485

Yongning Wu, Jian Wen, Yi Ma, Xiaochen Ma, Yan Chen: Epidemiology of foodborne disease outbreaks caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus, China, 2003-2008. Food Control 05/2014; 46:197-202., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2014.05.023

Yanhong Gao, Yonghai Lu, Shaomin Huang, Liang Gao, Xuxia Liang, Yongning Wu, Jing Wang, Qiong Huang, Liuying Tang, Guian Wang, Fei Yang, Shuguang Hu, Zihui Chen, Ping Wang, Qi Jiang, Rui Huang, Yinghua Xu, Xingfen Yang, Choon Nam Ong: Identifying Early Urinary Metabolic Changes with Long-Term Environmental Exposure to Cadmium by Mass-Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics. Environmental Science & Technology 05/2014; 48(11)., DOI:10.1021/es500750w

Yi-Xiong Gao, Hongxia Zhang, Xinwei Yu, Jia-Lu He, Xiaohong Shang, Xiaowei Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Risk and Benefit Assessment of Potential Neurodevelopmental Effect Resulting from Consumption of Marine Fish from a Coastal Archipelago in China. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 05/2014; 62(22)., DOI:10.1021/jf500343w

Yingliang Jin, Pei Liu, Jinfang Sun, Cannan Wang, Jie Min, Yafei Zhang, Shiyuan Wang, Yongning Wu: Dietary exposure and risk assessment to lead of the population of Jiangsu province, China. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 05/2014; 31(7)., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2014.918283

Xin Yang, Peng Li, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Determination of N-methyl carbamate pesticides in diet samples by high performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry with gel permeation chromatography cleanup]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 05/2014; 32(5):499-505., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2013.12041

Rui Zhou, Heli Li, Lixin Yang, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Ocuurence of organophosphorus pesticides in animal foods and their diet exposure assessment]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 05/2014; 48(5):412-5.

Jie Gao, Qing Liu, Feng Han, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Determination of fatty acid esters of chloropropanediols in diet samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry coupled with solid-supported liquid-liquid extraction]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2014; 43(3):449-54.

Hongxia Zhang, Jialing Zhang, Xiaohong Shang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Fatty acids content of common marine fish from Yellow Sea of China]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2014; 43(3):423-9.

Weiwei Li, Lingling Mei, Zhen Tang, Xiaorong Yang, Xiugui Li, Xiaoyan Pei, Gang Wang, Ping Fu, Yongning Wu, Yunchang Guo: [Analysis of molecular features of clinical Vibrio parahaemolyticus strains in China]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 04/2014; 48(1):44-52.

Fu Wu-Sheng, Wu Shao-Ming, Hua Juan, Wu Yong-Ning, Tang Chang-Dong, Fang Qin-Mei: Separation and Determination of Fatty Acid Mono- and Diesters of Monochloropropane-1,2-diol in Fat-rich Foods. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 04/2014; 42(4):469-474., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2014.30433

Li-Chun Wang, Ya-Qin Yu, Min Fang, Cai-Gui Zhan, Hong-Yan Pan, Yong-Ning Wu, Zhi-Yong Gong: Antioxidant and antigenotoxic activity of bioactive extracts from corn tassel. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 02/2014; 34(1):131-6., DOI:10.1007/s11596-014-1244-x

Yunjia Yang, Libin Lu, Jing Zhang, Yi Yang, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Simultaneous determination of seven bisphenols in environmental water and solid samples by liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 01/2014; 1328., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2013.12.074

Feng Han, Qing Liu, Ke Xie, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Determination of 3-chloropropane-1, 2-diol esters in bread products by isotope dilution-GC-MS. 01/2014; 44(3):389., DOI:10.1360/032013-26

Jiwang Chen, Yimei Wang, Ran Ye, Yongning Wu, Wenshui Xia: Comparison of analytical methods to assay inhibitors of angiotensin I-converting enzyme. Food Chemistry 12/2013; 141(4):3329-34., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.06.048

Dawei Chen, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Effect of alcoholic strength on the determination of ethyl carbamate in Chinese spirits by high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 12/2013; 31(12):1206-10., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2013.07023

S Fan, J.H. Zou, H Miao, Y.F. Zhao, H.J. Chen, R Zhao, Y.N. Wu: Simultaneous and confirmative detection of multi-residues of β2-agonists and β-blockers in urine using LC-MS/MS/MS coupled with β-receptor molecular imprinted polymer SPE clean-up. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 10/2013; 30(12)., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2013.840929

Wenxiao Jiang, Ross C Beier, Zhanhui Wang, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: Simultaneous Screening Analysis of 3-Methyl-quinoxaline-2-carboxylic Acid and Quinoxaline-2-carboxylic Acid Residues in Edible Animal Tissues by a Competitive Indirect Immunoassay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 10/2013; 61(42):10018-10025., DOI:10.1021/jf4037497

Jiwang Chen, Shanshan Liu, Ran Ye, Guangxia Cai, Bo Ji, Yongning Wu: Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory tripeptides from rice protein hydrolysate: Purification and characterization. Journal of Functional Foods 10/2013; 5(4):1684-1692., DOI:10.1016/j.jff.2013.07.013

Qing Liu, Feng Han, Ke Xie, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Simultaneous determination of total fatty acid esters of chloropropanols in edible oils by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with solid-supported liquid-liquid extraction. Journal of Chromatography A 09/2013; 1314., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2013.08.074

Feifei Huang, Sheng Wen, Jingguang Li, Yuxin Zhong, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: The human body burden of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and their relationships with thyroid hormones in the general population in Northern China. Science of The Total Environment 08/2013; 466-467C:609-615., DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.008

Juan Du, Bing Lü, Pan Zhu, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Determination of 30 organochlorine pesticides in animal-originated food products using combined purification by gel permeation chromatography and solid-phase extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 08/2013; 31(8):739-46., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2013.01036

Zhixiong Shi, Yifei Wang, Piye Niu, Jiandi Wang, Zhiwei Sun, Shuhua Zhang, Yongning Wu: Concurrent extraction, clean-up, and analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, hexabromocyclododecane isomers, and tetrabromobisphenol A in human milk and serum. Journal of Separation Science 08/2013; 36(20)., DOI:10.1002/jssc.201300579

Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Xiaowei Li, Sheng Wen, Haitao Shen, Yongning Wu: PBDEs and indicator PCBs in Foods from China: Levels, Dietary Intake and Risk Assessment.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 06/2013; 61(26)., DOI:10.1021/jf4006565

Peng Li, Xin Yang, Hong Miao, Yunfeng Zhao, Wei Liu, Yongning Wu: Simultaneous determination of 19 triazine pesticides and degradation products in processed cereal samples from Chinese total diet study by isotope dilution-high performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry. Analytica chimica acta 06/2013; 781C:63-71., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2013.04.027

Yi-Xiong Gao, Bing Yue, Xin-Wei Yu, Jia-Lu He, Xiao-Hong Shang, Xiao-Wei Li, Yong-Ning Wu: [Fatty acid composition of edible marine fish in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province.]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2013; 47(6):552-555.

Lei Zhang, Yin-Ping Liu, Jing-Guang Li, Yun-Feng Zhao, Yong-Ning Wu: [The human body burden of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in residents' human breast milk from Beijing in 2007.]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2013; 47(6):534-537.

Xu-Xia Liang, Yong-Ning Wu: [Building the Chinese system for food safety based on the frame of risk assessment.]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2013; 47(6):487-490.

Ping Ping Zhou, Yun Feng Zhao, Hua Liang Liu, Yong Jian Ma, Xiao Wei Li, Xin Yang, Yong Ning Wu: Dietary Exposure of the Chinese Population to Acrylamide. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 06/2013; 26(6):421-429., DOI:10.3967/0895-3988.2013.06.002

Yan Chen, Wei-Xing Yan, Yi-Jing Zhou, Shi-Qi Zhen, Rong-Hua Zhang, Jiang Chen, Zhan-Hua Liu, Heng-Yi Cheng, Hong Liu, Sheng-Gang Duan, Zhen Lan, Ji-Chang Sun, Xing-Yong You, Jing-Guang Li, Yong-Ning Wu: Burden of self-reported acute gastrointestinal illness in China: A population-based survey. BMC Public Health 05/2013; 13(1):456., DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-13-456

Xi Huang, Yipeng Li, Qiong Huang, Junhua Liang, Chunsui Liang, Bifeng Chen, Lingling Lu, Xiaoling Deng, Zihui Chen, Yonghui Zhang, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: A past Haff disease outbreak associated with eating freshwater pomfret in South China. BMC Public Health 05/2013; 13(1):447., DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-13-447

Guorui Liu, Minghui Zheng, Guibin Jiang, Zongwei Cai, Yongning Wu: Dioxin analysis in China. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 05/2013; 46:178-188., DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2012.05.012

Wei-Wei Li, Li Bai, Xiu-Li Zhang, Xin Qiao, Xiao-Rong Yang, Yu-Zhen Chen, Xiao-Yan Pei, Yong-Ning Wu, Yun-Chang Guo: [Prevalence and antibiogram distribution of Salmonella isolated from broiler production and processing course in four provinces, China]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 05/2013; 47(5):435-8.

Zhongqing Sun, Bing Yue, Zhenyu Yang, Xiaowei Li, Yongning Wu, Shian Yin: [Determination of 24 minerals in human milk by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with microwave digestion]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2013; 42(3):504-9.

Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [The international intercalibration study on dioxins in foods, analysis of results, and the application in QA/QC]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2013; 42(3):486-90.

Lei Zhang, Rui Zhao, Shu Qing Ye, Ling Zhou, Yong Ning Wu, Yi Zeng: Synergistic Effects of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and N-nitrosodiethylamine on Cell Malignant Transformation. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 05/2013; 26(5):323-30., DOI:10.3967/0895-3988.2013.05.001

Shaochen Wang, Congming Wu, Jianzhong Shen, Yongning Wu, Yang Wang: Hypermutable Staphylococcus aureus strains present at high frequency in subclinical bovine mastitis isolates are associated with the development of antibiotic resistance. Veterinary Microbiology 04/2013; 165(3-4)., DOI:10.1016/j.vetmic.2013.04.009

Pan Zhu, Guowen Zhang, Yadi Ma, Yepeng Zhang, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Study of DNA interactions with bifenthrin by spectroscopic techniques and molecular modeling. Spectrochimica Acta Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 04/2013; 112C:7-14., DOI:10.1016/j.saa.2013.04.022

Haitao Shen, Rongfa Guan, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yiping Ren, Xiaomin Xu, Yang Song, Yunfeng Zhao, Jianlong Han, Yongning Wu: Determination of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in 1 mL whole blood using programmable temperature vaporization large volume injection coupled to gas chromatogram and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Analytica chimica acta 03/2013; 767(1):112-7., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2013.01.007

Zhixiong Shi, Yang Jiao, Yue Hu, Zhiwei Sun, Xianqing Zhou, Jinfang Feng, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: Levels of tetrabromobisphenol A, hexabromocyclododecanes and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in human milk from the general population in Beijing, China. Science of The Total Environment 03/2013; 452-453C:10-18., DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.02.038

Xiaolin Hou, Degang Zhou, Wenhui Huai, Ross C Beier, Yingjian Sun, Yan Lu, Guojuan Wu, Zhiwen Sun, Yongning Wu: Simultaneous determination of cyromazine and dicyclanil in animal edible tissues using UPLC-MS/MS. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 03/2013; 30(4):660-665., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2012.760207

Juan Li, Bing Shao, Jianzhong Shen, Shaochen Wang, Yongning Wu: Occurrence of Chloramphenicol-Resistance Genes as Environmental Pollutants from Swine Feedlots. Environmental Science & Technology 03/2013; 47(6)., DOI:10.1021/es304616c

Zheng Han, Zhiyong Zhao, Jianxin Shi, Yucai Liao, Zhihui Zhao, Dabing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Sarah De Saeger, Aibo Wu: Combinatorial approach of LC-MS/MS and LC-TOF-MS for uncovering in vivo kinetics and biotransformation of ochratoxin A in rat. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 03/2013; 925C:46-53., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2013.02.028

Yongning Wu, Yu Zhang: Analytical chemistry, toxicology, epidemiology and health impact assessment of melamine in infant formula: Recent progress and developments. Food and chemical toxicology: an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association 02/2013; 56(2)., DOI:10.1016/j.fct.2013.02.044

Wenxiao Jiang, Zhanhui Wang, Ross C Beier, Haiyang Jiang, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: Simultaneous Determination of 13 Fluoroquinolone and 22 Sulfonamide Residues in Milk by a Dual-Colorimetric Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Analytical Chemistry 01/2013; 85(4):1995-1999., DOI:10.1021/ac303606h

Xiulan Sun, Jian Ji, Donglei Jiang, Xiaowei Li, Yinzhi Zhang, Zaijun Li, Yongning Wu: Development of a novel electrochemical sensor using pheochromocytoma cells and its assessment of acrylamide cytotoxicity. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 01/2013; 44C(1):122-126., DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2013.01.031

Shao-Chen Wang, Yang Wang, Jian-Zhong Shen, Yong-Ning Wu, Cong-Ming Wu: Polymorphic mutation frequencies in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus: The role of weak mutators in the development of fluoroquinolone resistance. FEMS Microbiology Letters 01/2013; 341(1)., DOI:10.1111/1574-6968.12085

Yongning Wu, Yan Chen: Food safety in China. Journal of epidemiology and community health 01/2013; 67(6)., DOI:10.1136/jech-2012-201767

Jingguang Li, Feifei Guo, Yuxin Wang, Jialing Zhang, Yuxin Zhong, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Can nail, hair and urine be used for biomonitoring of human exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid?. Environment international 01/2013; 53C:47-52., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2012.12.002

Yuan Li, Le-Hui Xiao, Nai-Yuan Zhou, Ping Yuan, Yong-Ning Wu, Bo Chen: Purification of Pigments by Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Tea. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 01/2013; 41(1)., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2013.20560

Yongning Wu: Translational toxicology and exposomics for food safety risk management. Journal of Translational Medicine 10/2012; 10(2)., DOI:10.1186/1479-5876-10-S2-A41

Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Xiao Liu, Yunfeng Zhao, Xiaowei Li, Sheng Wen, Yongning Wu: Dietary intake of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs from the Chinese total diet study in 2007. Chemosphere 09/2012; 90(5)., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.08.040

Peng Jie Luo, Wen Xiao Jiang, Ross C Beier, Jian Zhong Shen, Hai Yang Jiang, Hong Miao, Yun Feng Zhao, Xia Chen, Yong Ning Wu: Development of An Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Determination of the Furaltadone Etabolite, 3-Amino-5-Morpholinomethyl-2-Oxazolidinone (AMOZ) in Animal Tissues. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 08/2012; 25(4):449-57., DOI:10.3967/0895-3988.2012.04.010

H Wang, Y Wu, Y Zhao, W Sun, L Ding, B Guo, B Chen: Rapid screening of illicit additives in weight loss dietary supplements with desorption corona beam ionisation (DCBI) mass spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 08/2012; 29(8):1194-201., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2012.692395

Hua Wang, Yongning Wu, Bin Guo, Wenjian Sun, Li Ding, Bo Chen: Quantification of low-polar small molecules using room temperature ionic liquids matrix-assisted desorption corona beam ionization. The Analyst 07/2012; 137(17):3982-8., DOI:10.1039/c2an35508f

Yongning Wu, Xiaowei Li, Suying Chang, Liping Liu, Shurong Zou, David Barry Hipgrave: Variable Iodine Intake Persists in the Context of Universal Salt Iodization in China. Journal of Nutrition 07/2012; 142(9):1728-34., DOI:10.3945/jn.112.157982

Qing Liu, Qiding Zhong, Jingguang Li, Jiangtao Xing, Feifei Huang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Determination of 2,4,6-trichloroanisole in wine by head-space solid phase micro-extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 07/2012; 41(4):642-5.

Yunjia Yang, Jie Yin, Yi Yang, Naiyuan Zhou, Jing Zhang, Bing Shao, Yongning Wu: Determination of bisphenol AF (BPAF) in tissues, serum, urine and feces of orally dosed rats by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 06/2012; 901:93-7., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2012.06.005

Lei Chen, LiangMin ShangGuan, YongNing Wu, LiangJun Xu, FengFu Fu: Study on the residue and degradation of fluorine-containing pesticides in Oolong tea by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Food Control 06/2012; 25(2):433–440., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.11.027

GuiDi Yang, JinPing Zheng, Lei Chen, Qin Lin, YunQiang Zhao, YongNing Wu, FengFu Fu: Speciation analysis and characterisation of arsenic in lavers collected from coastal waters of Fujian, south-eastern China. Food Chemistry 06/2012; 132(3):1480–1485., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.12.006

Yumin Niu, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Analysis of Bisphenol A and Alkylphenols in Cereals by Automated On-line Solid-Phase Extraction and Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 05/2012; 60(24):6116-22., DOI:10.1021/jf301401k

Juan Li, Thanh Wang, Bing Shao, Jianzhong Shen, Shaochen Wang, Yongning Wu: Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance Genes and Antibiotic Residues in Wastewater and Soil Adjacent to Swine Feedlots: Potential Transfer to Agricultural Lands. Environmental Health Perspectives 05/2012; 120(8):1144-9., DOI:10.1289/ehp.1104776

ZHANG Yi, YUE Zhen-Feng, LAN Fang, ZHAO Feng-Juan, XIAOChen-Gui, OUYANG Shan, WU Wei-Dong, WU Yongning, LI Li-Su: Determination of 8 Species of Banned Drugsin Bovine Milk by Using QuEChERS Cleanup Approach and Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mas Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 05/2012; 40(5):724-729., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2012.11093

Yongning Wu: Chinese Jouranal of Analytic Chemistry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 05/2012; 40(5):724-729., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2012.11039

Xiaowei Li, Qing Liu, Liping Liu, Yongning Wu: Application of the data from China Total Diet Study to assess the distribution of lead exposure in different age-gender population groups. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2012; 41(3):379-84.

Xiao Liu, Jingguang Li, Feifei Huang, Yongning Wu: [Simultaneous determination of 8 polybrominated biphenyls in human serum using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 05/2012; 30(5):468-73., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.11055

Xin Yang, Peng Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Determination of aldicarb and its metabolites in peanuts by high performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap triple stage mass spectrometry]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 03/2012; 30(3):309-13., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.11027

Jiajia Yang, Yi Yang, Jing Zhang, Bing Shao, Yongning Wu: [Simultaneous determination of bromate and perchlorate in vegetable by ion chromatography tandem mass spectrometry]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 03/2012; 41(2):273-8.

Lixin Yang, Heli Li, Fangang Zeng, Yinping Liu, Ruifeng Li, Huijing Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: Determination of 49 Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues and Their Metabolites in Fish, Egg, and Milk by Dual Gas Chromatography-Dual Pulse Flame Photometric Detection with Gel Permeation Chromatography Cleanup. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 02/2012; 60(8):1906-13., DOI:10.1021/jf2043828

Fan Sai, Miao Hong, Zhao Yunfeng, Chen Huijing, Wu Yongning: Simultaneous Detection of Residues of 25 beta(2)-Agonists and 23 beta-Blockers in Animal Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 02/2012; 60(8):1898-905.

Wenxiao Jiang, Pengjie Luo, Xia Wang, Xia Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Wei Shi, Xiaoping Wu, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of nitrofurantoin metabolite, 1-amino-hydantoin, in animal tissues. Food Control 01/2012; 23(1):20–25., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.05.014

YunQiang Zhao, JinPing Zheng, Ling Fang, Qin Lin, YongNing Wu, ZhiMin Xue, FengFu Fu: Speciation Analysis of Mercury in Natural Water and Fish Samples by Using Capillary Electrophoresis Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Talanta 01/2012; 89:280-5., DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2011.12.029

Jie Yin, Hao Wang, Jing Zhang, Naiyuan Zhou, Fudie Gao, Yongning Wu, Jie Xiang, Bing Shao: The occurrence of synthetic musks in human breast milk in Sichuan, China. Chemosphere 12/2011; 87(9):1018-23., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.11.068

Zhongxin Xiao, Jinfang Feng, Zhixiong Shi, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Determination of three brominated flame retardants in human serum using solid-phase extraction coupled with ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 12/2011; 29(12):1165-72., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.01165

Jingguang Li, Feifei Guo, Yuxin Wang, Jiaying Liu, Zongwei Cai, Jialing Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Development of extraction methods for the analysis of perfluorinated compounds in human hair and nail by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 11/2011; 1219:54-60., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.11.015

Hejun Duan, Na Guan, Yongning Wu, Jing Zhang, Jie Ding, Bing Shao: Identification of biomarkers for melamine-induced nephrolithiasis in young children based on ultra high performance liquid chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (U-HPLC-Q-TOF/MS). Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 11/2011; 879(30):3544-50., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2011.09.039

Jiwang Chen, Yimei Wang, Qixin Zhong, Yongning Wu, Wenshui Xia: Purification and characterization of a novel angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptide derived from enzymatic hydrolysate of grass carp protein. Peptides 11/2011; 33(1):52-8., DOI:10.1016/j.peptides.2011.11.006

Shensheng Xiao, Yi Yang, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Determination of 6 antiestrogens in fish tissues by ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 11/2011; 29(11):1055-61., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.01055

Shan Zhao, Jie Yin, Jing Zhang, Xiaojing Ding, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Determination of 23 Dyes in Chili Powder and Paste by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Food Analytical Methods 10/2011; 5(5)., DOI:10.1007/s12161-011-9337-7

Lixin Yang, Heli Li, Hong Miao, Fangang Zeng, Ruifeng Li, Huijing Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: High throuput analysis of organophosphorus pesticide residues and their metabolites in animal original foods by dual gas chromatography-dual pulse flame photometric detection. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 10/2011; 29(10):1010-9., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.01010

Ying Yu, Jing Zhang, Bing Shao, Yongning Wu, Hejun Duan, Hongtao Liu: Development of a Simple Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for Multiresidue Determination of Antifungal Drugs in Chicken Tissues. Journal of AOAC International 09/2011; 94(5):1650-8., DOI:10.5740/jaoacint.10-244

Hao Wang, Jie Yin, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: [Occurrence of synthetic musks in human milk samples collected from Beijing]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 09/2011; 40(5):605-7.

Wang Yu-Xin, Li Jing-Guang, Zhao Yun-Feng, Guo Fei-Fei, Wu Yong-Ning: Investigation of Perfluorooctanoic Acid and Perfluorooctanesulfonate and Their Precursors in Biological Matrix by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 08/2011; 39(8):1134-1140., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2011.01134

Feifei Huang, Yunfeng Zhao, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu: Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers human serum using solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography coupled with negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 08/2011; 29(8):743-9., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00743

Yun Ling, Xiaogang Chu, Feng Zhang, Qi Chen, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Chenguang Zhang: Simultaneous determination of 17 preservatives and antioxidants in condiments using ultra performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 08/2011; 29(8):723-30., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00723

Xiaohong Shang, Yunfeng Zhao, Lei Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Yongning Wu: Improvement of the method for methylmercury determination in aquatic products using liquid chromatography online coupled with atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 07/2011; 29(7):667-72., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00667

P J Luo, W X Jiang, X Chen, J Z Shen, Y N Wu: Technical note: Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of florfenicol and thiamphenicol in swine feed. Journal of Animal Science 07/2011; 89(11):3612-6., DOI:10.2527/jas.2010-3403

Feifei Guo, Yuxin Zhong, Yuxin Wang, Jingguang Li, Jialing Zhang, Jiaying Liu, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Perfluorinated compounds in human blood around Bohai Sea, China. Chemosphere 07/2011; 85(2):156-62., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.06.038

Hao Wang, Jing Zhang, Fudie Gao, Yi Yang, Hejun Duan, Yongning Wu, Jean-Daniel Berset, Bing Shao: Simultaneous analysis of synthetic musks and triclosan in human breast milk by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 07/2011; 879(21):1861-9., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2011.04.036

J-F Sun, P Liu, C-Y Li, J-X Li, C-N Wang, J Min, D Hu, Y-N Wu: Probabilistic acute dietary exposure assessment of the Chinese population to cypermethrin residues. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 07/2011; 28(7):1-8., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2011.572928

Pingping Zhou, Yunfeng Zhao, Jingguang Li, Guohua Wu, Lei Zhang, Qing Liu, Sai Fan, Xin Yang, Xiaowei Li, Yongning Wu: Dietary exposure to persistent organochlorine pesticides in 2007 Chinese total diet study. Environment international 06/2011; 42(1):152-9., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2011.05.018

Yumin Niu, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Simultaneous determination of bisphenol A and alkylphenol in plant oil by gel permeation chromatography and isotopic dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 06/2011; 1218(31):5248-53., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2011.06.005

Zhixiong Shi, Yifei Wang, Jinfang Feng, Peili Huang, Yongning Wu: [Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and dechlorane plus in fish and fish oil supplements by gel permeation hromatography coupled with gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 06/2011; 29(6):543-8., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00543

Fei-fei Huang, Jing-guang Li, Lei Zhang, Sheng Wen, Fei-fei Guo, Yun-feng Zhao, Yong-ning Wu: [Polybrominated diphenyl ethers load in human serum of Taiyuan city in 2010]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2011; 45(6):502-5.

Jinfang Sun, Cannan Wang, Xiaoyun Song, Yongning Wu, Baojun Yuan, Pei Liu: Dietary intake of mercury by children and adults in Jinhu area of China. International journal of hygiene and environmental health 06/2011; 214(3):246-50., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheh.2011.03.002

Jiaying Liu, Jingguang Li, Yong Liu, Hing Man Chan, Yunfeng Zhao, Zongwei Cai, Yongning Wu: Comparison on gestation and lactation exposure of perfluorinated compounds for newborns. Environment international 05/2011; 37(7):1206-12., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2011.05.001

YunQiang Zhao, JinPing Zheng, MingWei Yang, GuiDi Yang, YongNing Wu, FengFu Fu: Speciation analysis of selenium in rice samples by using capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Talanta 05/2011; 84(3):983-8., DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2011.03.004

Haitao Shen, Gangqiang Ding, Yongning Wu, Guoshao Pan, Xiaoping Zhou, Jianlong Han, Jingguang Li, Sheng Wen: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in breast milk from Zhejiang, China. Environment international 05/2011; 42(1):84-90., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2011.04.004

Yongning Wu: Fast Qualitative Analysis of 32 Preservatives and Antioxidants in Food Sample by Comprehensive Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 05/2011; 39(5):723-727., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2011.00723

Yongning Wu, Yuxin Wang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Feifei Guo, Jiaying Liu, Zongwei Cai: Perfluorinated compounds in seafood from coastal areas in China. Environment international 05/2011; 42(1):67-71., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2011.04.007

P Liu, C-Y Li, C-N Wang, J-F Sun, J Min, D Hu, Y-N Wu: Calculation of the dietary exposure of Chinese consumers to acephate residues using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 05/2011; 28(5):649-58., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2011.563368

Xiao-Wei Li, Yong-Ning Wu, Jun-Shi Chen: [The development and evolution of Chinese Total Diet Study]. Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi = Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi 05/2011; 32(5):456-9.

Yiping Ren, Yu Zhang, Shiyun Lai, Shiyun Han, Zheng Han, Yongning Wu: Corrigendum to “Simultaneous determination of fumonisins B1, B2 and B3 contaminants in maize by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry” [Anal. Chim. Acta 692 (2011) 138–145]. Analytica chimica acta 04/2011; 692(1-2):138-45., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2011.03.005

Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Xiaowei Li, Xin Yang, Sheng Wen, Zongwei Cai, Yongning Wu: A national survey of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Chinese mothers' milk. Chemosphere 04/2011; 84(5):625-33., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.03.041

Sheng Wen, Yan Gong, Jingguang Li, Tingming Shi, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Particle-bound PCDD/Fs in the Atmosphere of an Electronic Waste Dismantling Area in China. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 04/2011; 24(2):102-11., DOI:10.3967/0895-3988.2011.02.003

Y.P. Liu, B Dong, Z.S. Qin, N.J. Yang, Y Lu, L.X. Yang, F.Q. Chang, Y.N. Wu: Ethyl carbamate levels in wine and spirits from markets in Hebei Province, China. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance 03/2011; 4(1):1-5., DOI:10.1080/19393210.2011.557783

Qinghua He, Pingping Ren, Xiangfeng Kong, Yongning Wu, Guoyao Wu, Peng Li, Fuhua Hao, Huiru Tang, François Blachier, Yulong Yin: Comparison of serum metabolite compositions between obese and lean growing pigs using an NMR-based metabonomic approach. The Journal of nutritional biochemistry 03/2011; 23(2):133-9., DOI:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2010.11.007

Yin-ping Liu, Jing-guang Li, Yun-feng Zhao, Sheng Wen, Fei-fei Huang, Yong-ning Wu: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in marine fish from four areas of China. Chemosphere 03/2011; 83(2):168-74., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.12.045

Xiao Jing, Shao Bing, Wu Xiaoyan, SUN XiaoJie, Wu Yongning: A study of bisphenol A, nonylphenol, and octylphenol in human urine samples detected by SPE-UPLC-MS. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 02/2011; 24(1):40-6.

Feifei Guo, Yuxin Wang, Jingguang Li, Jialing Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Dermination of perfluorinated compounds in human urine by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 02/2011; 29(2):126-30., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2011.00126

Pingping Zhou, Yongning Wu, Shian Yin, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Lei Zhang, Huijing Chen, Yinping Liu, Xin Yang, Xiaowei Li: National Survey of the Levels of Persistent Organochlorine Pesticides in the Breast Milk of Mothers in China. Environmental Pollution 02/2011; 159(2):524-31., DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2010.10.014

Yun Ling, Han Wang, Wei Yong, Feng Zhang, Li Sun, Min-Li Yang, Yong-Ning Wu, Xiao-Gang Chu: The effects of washing and cooking on chlorpyrifos and its toxic metabolites in vegetables. Food Control 01/2011; 22(1):54-58., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2010.06.009

J-F Sun, C-N Wang, Y-N Wu, B-J Yuan, Z-H Tian, X-Y Song, C-Y Li, P Liu: Long-term dietary exposure to lead of the population of Jiangsu Province, China. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 01/2011; 28(1):107-14., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2010.533290

Sun Jinfang, Wang Cannan, Wu Yongning, Liu Pei: Probabilistic Evaluation of Dietary Exposure to Lead in Jiangsu Province, China. Epidemiology 01/2011; 22:S88., DOI:10.1097/01.ede.0000391935.79103.75

Liu Pei, Wu Yongning, Sun Jinfang, Wang Cannan: Development and Verification of China Dietary Exposure Evaluation Model Software. Epidemiology 01/2011; 22:S88., DOI:10.1097/

X.H. Shang, X.W. Li, L Zhang, Y.F. Zhao, Y.N. Wu: Estimation of methylmercury intake from the 2007 Chinese Total Diet Study. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance 12/2010; 3(4):236-245., DOI:10.1080/19393210.2010.515039

Yuanyuan Pan, Yali Shi, Jieming Wang, Yaqi Cai, Yongning Wu: Concentrations of perfluorinated compounds in human blood from twelve cities in China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12/2010; 29(12):2695-701., DOI:10.1002/etc.342

Xiaolin Hou, Yonggang Li, Shoujun Cao, Zhongwen Zhang, Yongnin Wu: Analysis of para red and sudan dyes in egg yolk by UPLC-MS-MS. Chromatographia 11/2010; 71(1):135-138., DOI:10.1365/s10337-009-1357-8

Pei Liu, Can-Nan Wang, Xiao-Yun Song, Yong-Ning Wu: Dietary intake of lead and cadmium by children and adults - Result calculated from dietary recall and available lead/cadmium level in food in comparison to result from food duplicate diet method. International journal of hygiene and environmental health 11/2010; 213(6):450-7., DOI:10.1016/j.ijheh.2010.07.002

H Miao, S Fan, P P Zhou, L Zhang, Y.F. Zhao, Y.N. Wu: Determination of melamine and its analogues in egg by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using an isotope dilution technique. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 11/2010; 27(11):1497-506., DOI:10.1080/19440049.2010.496795

Hua Kuang, Hong Miao, Xiaolin Hou, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Chuanlai Xu: Simultaneous Determination of 16 Pyrethroid Residues in Tea Samples Using Gas Chromatography and Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Journal of chromatographic science 10/2010; 48(9):771-6., DOI:10.1093/chromsci/48.9.771

Zhengjun Hu, Yali Shi, Hongyun Niu, Yaqi Cai, Guibin Jiang, Yongning Wu: Occurrence of synthetic musk fragrances in human blood from 11 cities in China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 09/2010; 29(9):1877-82., DOI:10.1002/etc.258

Jingen Xia, Naiyuan Zhou, Cong Zhou, Bo Chen, Yongning Wu, Shouzhuo Yao: Simultaneous determination of melamine and related compounds by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science 09/2010; 33(17-18):2688-97., DOI:10.1002/jssc.201000262

CHEN Qi, LING Yun, ZHANG Feng, HUANG Jun-Rong, CHU Xiao-Gang, WU Yong-Ning: Simultaneous Determination of Seven Preservatives in Beverage and Jam Using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction and Gas Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spetrometry. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 08/2010; 38., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1096.2010.01156

P Liu, C-N Wang, X-Y Song, Y-F Yu, Y-N Wu: Dietary intake of arsenic by children and adults from Jinhu area of China. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 08/2010; 27(8):1128-35., DOI:10.1080/19440041003753466

Guang-jiang Tang, Yong-ning Wu, Jian-zhong Shen: [Construction of monitoring system on chemical contaminant in Chinese export plant food and it's application]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 07/2010; 44(7):584-6.

Yong-ning Wu: [Conduct food safety risk surveillance and engage in food safety risk assessment at international level]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 07/2010; 44(7):581-3.

Yin-Ping Liu, Jing-Guang Li, Yun-Feng Zhao, Lei Zhang, Rui Zhou, Yong-Ning Wu, Ling-Yan Zhu: Fast analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in eggs using selective pressurized liquid extraction coupled with online GPC-GC/MS. Journal of AOAC International 07/2010; 93(4):1308-12.

Jiaying Liu, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yuxin Wang, Lei Zhang, Yongning Wu: The occurrence of perfluorinated alkyl compounds in human milk from different regions of China. Environment international 07/2010; 36(5):433-8., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2010.03.004

Jingen Xia, Naiyuan Zhou, Yujun Liu, Bo Chen, Yongning Wu, Shouzhuo Yao: Simultaneous determination of melamine and related compounds by capillary zone electrophoresis. Food Control 06/2010; 21(6-21):912-918., DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2009.12.009

Hong Miao, Jianhong Zou, Sai Fan, Lewen Gan, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Determination of 12 beta(2)-Agonists and 4 beta-Blockers in Urine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 06/2010; 28(6):572-8., DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1123.2010.00572

Hua Kuang, Hong Miao, Xiaolin Hou, Yunfeng Zhao, Jianzhong Shen, Yongning Wu: Determination of enantiomeric fractions of cypermethrin and cis-bifenthrin in Chinese teas by GC/ECD. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 06/2010; 90(8):1374-9., DOI:10.1002/jsfa.3934

Xiaohong Shang, Yunfeng Zhao, Lei Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Yongning Wu: [Mercury speciation in aquatic products analyzed by liquid chromatography cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2010; 39(3):321-5.

Yunfeng Zhao, Rui Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: [Polybrominated dipenyl ethers (PBDEs) in breast milk samples from Beijng in 2007]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2010; 39(3):326-30.

Hongxiao Yun, Lei Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: [Determination of inorganic arsenic in rice by liquid chromatography-atomic fluorescence spectrometry]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2010; 39(3):316-20.

YongNing Wu, Hong Miao, Sai Fan, YunFeng Zhao: Determination of 23 β 2 -agonists and 5 β-blockers in animal muscle by high performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry. Science China-Chemistry 04/2010; 53(4):832-840., DOI:10.1007/s11426-010-0071-6

Hua Kuang, Hong Miao, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen, Chuanlai Xu: Enantioselective determination of cypermethrin in pig muscle tissue by immunoaffinity extraction and high performance liquid chromatography. International Journal of Food Science & Technology 04/2010; 45(4):656 - 660., DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2621.2010.02192.x

Li-wen Yue, Xiao-mei Han, Jin-fang Sun, Hong Chen, Can-nan Wang, Yong-ning Wu, Pei Liu, Jie Min: [Establishment of database for food classification and coding in Chinese dietary exposure assessment]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 03/2010; 44(3):200-3.

Pei Liu, Yong-ning Wu: [Interpretation of highlights in the Chinese food safety law from a scientific perspective]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 03/2010; 44(3):181-3.

Xianjun Liu, Jing Zhang, Jie Yin, Hejun Duan, Yongning Wu, Bing Shao: Analysis of hormone antagonists in clinical and municipal wastewater by isotopic dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 03/2010; 396(8):2977-85., DOI:10.1007/s00216-010-3531-0

Xiaolin Hou, Yonggang Li, Guojuan Wu, Lei Wang, Miao Hong, Yongnin Wu: Determination of Para Red, Sudan Dyes, Canthaxanthin, and Astaxanthin in Animal Feeds Using UPLC. Journal of chromatographic science 01/2010; 48(1):22-5., DOI:10.1093/chromsci/48.1.22

Guozhu Liu, Naiyuan Zhou, Mingshan Zhang, Shengjun Li, Qingqing Tian, Jitao Chen, Bo Chen, Yongning Wu, Shouzhuo Yao: Hydrophobic solvent induced phase transition extraction to extract drugs from plasma for high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis. Journal of Chromatography A 11/2009; 1217(3):243-9., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2009.11.037

Haitao Shen, Cun Yu, Ying Ying, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Jianlong Han, Qingyuan Xu: Levels and congener profiles of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs in seafood from China. Chemosphere 10/2009; 77(9):1206-11., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.09.015

Hua Kuang, Hong Miao, Xiao Lin Hou, Yun Feng Zhao, Jian Zhong Shen, Chuan Lai Xu, Yong Ning Wu: Determination of Pyrethroid Residues in Pork Muscle by Immunoaffinity Cleanup and GC-ECD. Chromatographia 09/2009; 70(5):995-999., DOI:10.1365/s10337-009-1272-z

Y.P. Liu, J.G. Li, Y.F. Zhao, Y.N. Wu, L.Y. Zhu: Rapid determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in fish using selective pressurized liquid extraction (SPLE) combined with automated online gel permeation chromatography-gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GPC-GC/MS). Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 08/2009; 26(8-8):1180-1184., DOI:10.1080/02652030902822786

Bing Shao, Dong Chen, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Chengjun Sun: Determination of 76 pharmaceutical drugs by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in slaughterhouse wastewater. Journal of Chromatography A 08/2009; 1216(47):8312-8., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2009.08.038

Jing Zhang, Bing Shao, Jie Yin, Yongning Wu, Hejun Duan: Simultaneous detection of residues of β-adrenergic receptor blockers and sedatives in animal tissue by high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 08/2009; 877(20-21):1915-22., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2009.05.025

C-N Wang, X-Y Song, Q Gao, F Wang, P Liu, Y-N Wu: Dietary exposure to lead by children and adults in the Jinhu area of China. Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment 07/2009; 26(6):821-8., DOI:10.1080/02652030802714000

Jiaying Liu, Jingguang Li, Yan Luan, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Geographical Distribution of Perfluorinated Compounds in Human Blood from Liaoning Province, China. Environmental Science and Technology 07/2009; 43(11):4044-8., DOI:10.1021/es9002229

Bing Shao, Xiaofei Jia, Jing Zhang, Juan Meng, Yongning Wu, Hejun Duan, Xiaoming Tu: Multi-residual analysis of 16 ??-agonists in pig liver, kidney and muscle by ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 06/2009; 114(3):1115-1121., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.10.063

Sheng Wen, Yan Gong, Jing-Guang Li, Ting-Ming Shi, Yun-Feng Zhao, Ying Xu, Yong-Ning Wu: Smoking status or age impact on urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine in electrical and electronic equipment waste dismantling workers. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2009; 43(6):474-7.

Yong-Ning Wu, Bing Shao: [Capability building for food safety incident by analytic toxicology]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2009; 43(6):465-7.

Zhi-Xiong Shi, Yong-Ning Wu, Jing-Guang Li, Yun-Feng Zhao, Jin-Fang Feng: Dietary Exposure Assessment of Chinese Adults and Nursing Infants to Tetrabromobisphenol-A and Hexabromocyclododecanes: Occurrence Measurements in Foods and Human Milk. Environmental Science and Technology 06/2009; 43(12):4314-9., DOI:10.1021/es8035626

Kai Zhong, Qinghua He, Yongning Wu: [Growth characteristics and metabolomic sampling strategy of Lactobacillus sp. 30a(ATCC33222)]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 06/2009; 38(3):368-71.

Bing Shao, Xiaoyan Wu, Jing Zhang, Hejun Duan, Xiaogang Chu, Yongning Wu: Development of a Rapid LC–MS–MS Method for Multi-Class Determination of 14 Coccidiostat Residues in Eggs and Chicken. Chromatographia 05/2009; 69(9):1083-1088., DOI:10.1365/s10337-009-1009-z

Xu-Dong Jia, Ning Li, Zhu-Tian Wang, Yun-Feng Zhao, Yong-Ning Wu, Wei-Xing Yan: Assessment on Dietary Melamine Exposure from Tainted Infant Formula. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 05/2009; 22(2):100-3., DOI:10.1016/S0895-3988(09)60029-5

Yong-Ning Wu, Yun-Feng Zhao, Jin-Guang Li: A Survey on Occurrence of Melamine and Its Analogues in Tainted Infant Formula in China. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 05/2009; 22(2):95-9., DOI:10.1016/S0895-3988(09)60028-3

Hong Miao, Sai Fan, Yong-Ning Wu, Lei Zhang, Ping-Ping Zhou, Jing-Guang Li, Hui-Jing Chen, Yun-Feng Zhao: Simultaneous Determination of Melamine, Ammelide, Ammeline, and Cyanuric Acid in Milk and Milk Products by Gas Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 05/2009; 22(2):87-94., DOI:10.1016/S0895-3988(09)60027-1

Feng Wang, Xuehong Xu, Yunfei Yu, Yongning Wu: [Dietary intakes of mercury by children and adults from Jinhu area measured by the duplicate portion study]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 05/2009; 38(3):318-9, 322.

Lei Zhang, Rui Zhao, Ru-gang Zhong, Ling Zhou, De-chang Li, Yong-ning Wu, Yi Zeng: [An improved BALB/c 3T3 cell transformation assay and its application in the cocarcinogenesis study]. Zhonghua shi yan he lin chuang bing du xue za zhi = Zhonghua shiyan he linchuang bingduxue zazhi = Chinese journal of experimental and clinical virology 04/2009; 23(2):121-3.

Bing Shao, Xiaoliang Cui, Yi Yang, Jing Zhang, Yongnin Wu: Validation of a solid-Phase extraction and ultra-Performance liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric method for the detection of 16 glucocorticoids in pig tissues. Journal of AOAC International 03/2009; 92(2):604-11.

Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yongning Wu, Yinping Liu, Pingping Zhou, Sheng Wen, Jiaying Liu, Yunfeng Zhao, Xiaowei Li: A national survey of polychlorinated dioxins, furans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) in human milk in China. Chemosphere 03/2009; 75(9):1236-42., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.01.073

Jia Zhou, Chenfei Ma, Honglin Xu, Kailong Yuan, Xin Lu, Zhen Zhu, Yongning Wu, Guowang Xu: Metabolic profiling of transgenic rice with cryIAc and sck genes: An evaluation of unintended effects at metabolic level by using GC-FID and GC-MS. Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences 03/2009; 877(8-9):725-32., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2009.01.040

Yonghua Qi, Congming Wu, Suxia Zhang, Zhanhui Wang, Siyang Huang, Lei Dai, Shaochen Wang, Lining Xia, Kai Wen, Xingyuan Cao, Yongning Wu, Jianzhong Shen: Selection of Anti-Sulfadimidine Specific ScFvs from a Hybridoma Cell by Eukaryotic Ribosome Display. PLoS ONE 02/2009; 4(7):e6427., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0006427

Lingyan Zhu, Baoling Ma, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu, Jin Gong: Distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in breast milk from North China: Implication of exposure pathways. Chemosphere 02/2009; 74(11):1429-34., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.12.030

Yi Yang, Bing Shao, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Hejun Duan: Determination of the residues of 50 anabolic hormones in muscle, milk and liver by very-high-pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 02/2009; 877(5-6):489-96., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2008.12.054

Sheng Wen, F Yang, J.G. Li, Yan Gong, X.L. Zhang, Y Hui, Y.N. Wu, Y.F. Zhao, Ying Xu: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) monitored by tree bark in an E-waste recycling area. Chemosphere 02/2009; 74(7):981-7., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.10.002

Hua Kuang, YongNing Wu, XiaoLin Hou, Hong Miao, Gong Zhang, JianZhong Shen, ChuanLai Xu: Synthesis of derivatives and production of antiserum for class specific detection of pyrethroids by indirect ELISA. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 01/2009; 89(6):423-437., DOI:10.1080/03067310802562691

Yinping Liu, Peng Dai, Jingguang Li, Lei Zhang, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu, Lingyan Zhu: Fast determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in human milk using gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization/mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 12/2008; 26(6):687-91., DOI:10.1016/S1872-2059(08)60032-2

Xiaomei Han, Jie Min, Pei Liu, Yongning Wu: [Study on the construction of bridge table of Chinese dietary exposure estimation model]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 12/2008; 37(6):725-7.

Leo W Y Yeung, Yuichi Miyake, Sachi Taniyasu, Yuan Wang, Hongxia Yu, M K So, Guibin Jiang, Yongning Wu, Jingguang Li, John P Giesy, Nobuyoshi Yamashita, Paul K S Lam: Perfluorinated Compounds and Total and Extractable Organic Fluorine in Human Blood Samples from China. Environmental Science and Technology 12/2008; 42(21):8140-5., DOI:10.1021/es800631n

Qinghua He, Xiangfeng Kong, Guoyao Wu, Pingping Ren, Huiru Tang, Fuhua Hao, Ruilin Huang, Tiejun Li, Bie Tan, Peng Li, Zhiru Tang, Yulong Yin, Yongning Wu: Metabolomic analysis of the response of growing pigs to dietary L-arginine supplementation. Amino Acids 12/2008; 37(1):199-208., DOI:10.1007/s00726-008-0192-9

Bing Shao, Jing Zhang, Yi Yang, Juan Meng, Yongning Wu, Hejun Duan: Simultaneous analysis of thirteen diuretics residues in bovine milk by ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 11/2008; 22(21):3427-33., DOI:10.1002/rcm.3740

Kun Lin, Yongning Wu, Wenying Shen: Interaction of total N-nitroso compounds in environment and in vivo on risk of esophageal cancer in the coastal area, China. Environment international 11/2008; 35(2):376-81., DOI:10.1016/j.envint.2008.09.005

Jingguang Li, Huifang Yu, Yunfeng Zhao, Gong Zhang, Yongning Wu: Levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in breast milk from Beijing, China. Chemosphere 08/2008; 73(2):182-6., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.05.019

Yu-Ping Wang, Lin Li, Jian-Zhong Shen, Fu-Jiang Yang, Yong-Ning Wu: Quinolone-resistance in Salmonella is associated with decreased mRNA expression of virulence genes invA and avrA, growth and intracellular invasion and survival. Veterinary Microbiology 07/2008; 133(4):328-34., DOI:10.1016/j.vetmic.2008.07.012

Yi Yang, Bing Shao, Jing Zhang, Yongning Wu, Jie Ying: Analysis of eight free progestogens in eggs by matrix solid-phase dispersion extraction and very high pressure liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography B 07/2008; 870(2):241-6., DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2008.06.021

Ding-guo Jiang, Zhu-tian Wang, Da-jin Yang, Yong-ning Wu: [National continuous monitoring on the content of lead in preserved eggs from 2000 to 2006]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2008; 42(5):304-6.

Lei Zhang, Rui Zhou, Xiao-wei Li, Yun-feng Zhao, Li-ping Liu, Yong-ning Wu: [A study on arsenic speciation analysis in animal origin seafood]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2008; 42(5):298-303.

Yong-Ning Wu, Jing-Guang Li: [Capability building and effectiveness assessment of the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants in China]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 06/2008; 42(5):293-5.

Sheng Wen, Fang-Xing Yang, Yan Gong, Xiao-Ling Zhang, Yang Hui, Jing-Guang Li, Ai-Ling Liu, Yong-Ning Wu, Wen-Qing Lu, Ying Xu: Elevated Levels of Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine in Male Electrical and Electronic Equipment Dismantling Workers Exposed to High Concentrations of Polychlorinated Dibenzo- p -dioxins and Dibenzofurans, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, and Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Environmental Science and Technology 06/2008; 42(11):4202-7., DOI:10.1021/es800044m

Zhao Yun-Feng, Zhao Kong-Xiang, Wu Yong-Ning: Determination of organotins in aquatic food by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detection. Journal of AOAC International 05/2008; 91(3):653-9.

Xiaofei Jia, Bing Shao, Yongning Wu, Yi Yang, Jing Zhang: Simultaneous determination of tetracylines and quinolones antibiotics in egg by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of AOAC International 03/2008; 91(2):461-8.

Ping-Ping Zhou, Jian-Zhong Zhang, Yuan-Hai You, Yong-Ning Wu: Detection of Genetically Modified Crops by Combination of Multiplex PCR and Low-density DNA Microarray. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 03/2008; 21(1):53-62., DOI:10.1016/S0895-3988(08)60007-0

Zhixiong Shi, Jinfang Feng, Jingguang Li, Yunfeng Zhao, Yongning Wu: Analysis of hexabromocyclododecane diastereoisomers in foods of animal origin using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and isotope dilution. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 02/2008; 26(1):1-5., DOI:10.1016/S1872-2059(08)60008-5

Ping-Ping ZHOU, Jian-Zhong ZHANG, Yuan-Hai YOU, Yong-Ning WU: Detection of Genetically Modified Crops by Combination of Multiplex PCR and Low-density DNA Microarray 1 1 This study was supported by National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2001CB109001) and National High-Tech Research Program of China (No. 2002AA212041).

Bing Shao, Hao Han, Dongmei Li, Yalu Ma, Xiaoming Tu, Yonging Wu: Analysis of alkylphenol and bisphenol A in meat by accelerated solvent extraction and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry 12/2007; 105(3-105):1236-1241., DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.02.040

Xueli Wu, Gong Zhang, Yongning Wu, Xiaolin Hou, Zonghui Yuan: Simultaneous determination of malachite green, gentian violet and their leuco-metabolites in aquatic products by high-performance liquid chromatography-linear ion trap mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 12/2007; 1172(2):121-6., DOI:10.1016/j.chroma.2007.07.084

Lei Zhang, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu, Yunfeng Zhao: Application of Automatic Clean-Up System to Simultaneous Analysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and -Furans and Planar Polychlorobiphenyls in Milk. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 12/2007; 25(6):887-92., DOI:10.1016/S1872-2059(08)60007-3

Jin-Fang Feng, Yong-Ning Wu, Ye Li, Wei Wang, Wen-Yan Xie, Jia Liu: [Lead and cadmium pollution in edible fungus sold in Beijing]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 12/2007; 41(6):458-60.

Kong-Xiang Zhao, Yun-Feng Zhao, Yong-Ning Wu: Study on the contamination level and intake of organotins of Chinese dietary. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 12/2007; 41(6):453-7.

Jing Xiao, Bing Shao, Yong-Ning Wu, Zhu-Tian Wang, Wei Hou: [Determination of bisphenol A and alkyl phenols in canned food with high performance liquid chromatography--fluorescence]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 12/2007; 41(6):449-52.

Yong-Ning Wu, Jun-Shi Chen: [Development of food contamination monitoring, strengthening exposure evaluation]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 12/2007; 41(6):435-7.

Bing Shao, Xiaofei Jia, Yongning Wu, Jianying Hu, Xiaoming Tu, Jing Zhang: Multi-class confirmatory method for analyzing trace levels of tetracyline and quinolone antibiotics in pig tissues by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 11/2007; 21(21):3487-96., DOI:10.1002/rcm.3236

Wu Sheng Fu, Yunfeng Zhao, Gong Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jing Guang Li, Chang Dong Tang, Hong Miao, Jin Bo Ma, Qi Zhang, Yong Ning Wu: Occurrence of chloropropanols in soy sauce and other foods in China between 2002 and 2004. Food Additives and Contaminants 09/2007; 24(8):812-9., DOI:10.1080/02652030701246039

Kun Lin, Shijiang Yu, Yongning Wu, Qingying Zhang: [Determination of total N-nitroso compounds in sausage on the market]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 06/2007; 36(3):381-3.

Jing-Guang Li, Yong-Ning Wu, Lei Zhang, Yun-Feng Zhao: Dietary intake of polychlorinated dioxins, furans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls from foods of animal origin in China. Food Additives and Contaminants 03/2007; 24(2):186-93., DOI:10.1080/02652030600970366

Jianqing Zhang, Jian Zhou, Yousheng Jiang, Jie Jiang, Zhixiong Zhuang, Xiaoli Liu, Yongning Wu: Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran concentrations in common fish species in the Pearl River Delta area, China. Chemosphere 02/2007; 66(2):199-202., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.07.100

Li Zhijun a, Wu Yongning b, Zhang Gong b, Zhao Yunfeng b, Xue Changhu: A survey of biogenic amines in chinese red wines. Food Chemistry 01/2007; 105:1530-1535.

Xiao lin Hou, Yongnin Wu, Jianzhong Shen, Lei Wang, Shuangyang Ding: Multi-Residue Analysis of Avermectins in Bovine Liver and Muscle by Liquid Chromatography–Fluorescence Detector. Chromatographia 01/2007; 65(1):77-80., DOI:10.1365/s10337-006-0098-1

Zhi-Jun Li, Yong-Ning Wu, Chang-Hu Xue: [Simultaneous determination methods of biogenic amines in food]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 10/2006; 35(5):670-4.

Gong Zhang, Yun-feng Zhao, Yong-ning Wu: Analytical methods for the determination of acrylamide in food products. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 08/2006; 35(4):516-9.

Li-ming Shen, Yong-ning Wu, Jian-zhong Zhang, Ping-Ping Zhou: [Stability of hpt marker gene in transgenic rice in different food matrices and under varying food-processing conditions]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 08/2006; 35(4):431-4.

Leo W Y Yeung, M K So, Guibin Jiang, S Taniyasu, N Yamashita, Maoyong Song, Yongning Wu, Jingguang Li, J P Giesy, K S Guruge, Paul K S Lam: Perfluorooctanesulfonate and Related Fluorochemicals in Human Blood Samples from China. Environmental Science and Technology 03/2006; 40(3):715-20., DOI:10.1021/es052067y

Minjia HUANG, Guibin JIANG, Bin HE, Jingfu LIU, Qingxiang ZHOU, Wusheng FU, Yongning WU: Determination of 3-Chloropropane1,2-diol in Liquid Hydrolyzed Vegetable Proteins and Soy Sauce by SolidPhase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Sciences 12/2005; 21(11):1343-1347., DOI:10.2116/analsci.21.1343

Minjia Huang, Guibin Jiang, Bin He, Jingfu Liu, Qingxiang Zhou, Wusheng Fu, Yongning Wu: Determination of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol in liquid hydrolyzed vegetable proteins and soy sauce by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Analytical Sciences 12/2005; 21(11):1343-7.

Xu-Dong Jia, Ning Li, Yong-Ning Wu, Xiao-Guang Yang: Studies on BN rats model to determine the potential allergenicity of proteins from genetically modified foods. World Journal of Gastroenterology 10/2005; 11(34):5381-4., DOI:10.3748/wjg.v11.i34.5381

Xin Yang, Rui Zhou, Yun-Feng Zhao, Yong-Ning Wu: [Analysis of chloramphenicol in shrimps by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 10/2005; 34(5):584-7.

Zhi-Jun Li, Yong-Ning Wu, Hao Liu, Chang-Hu Xue: [Method of determination of biogenic amines in wines by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector and ultraviolet detector]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 10/2005; 34(5):577-80.

J. Li, Y. Zhao, Y. Wu, Li Jingguang: Determination of polycholorinated biphenyls in fish by gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 09/2005; 33(9):1223-1226.

Yuwen Ni, Zhiping Zhang, Qing Zhang, Jiping Chen, Yongning Wu, Xinmiao Liang: Distribution patterns of PCDD/Fs in chlorinated chemicals. Chemosphere 09/2005; 60(6):779-84., DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2005.04.017

Bing Shao, Dan Dong, Yongning Wu, Jianying Hu, Juan Meng, Xiaoming Tu, Shukun Xu: Simultaneous determination of 17 sulfonamide residues in porcine meat, kidney and liver by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 08/2005; 546(2-546):174-181., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2005.05.007

Jian-qing Zhang, You-sheng Jiang, Jian Zhou, Jie Jiang, Zhi-xiong Zhuang, Xiao-li Liu, Yong-ning Wu: [Levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzo-furans in sea fish samples in some sea areas in China]. Zhonghua yu fang yi xue za zhi [Chinese journal of preventive medicine] 08/2005; 39(4):253-6.

Jian-Qing Zhang, You-Sheng Jiang, Jian Zhou, Jie Jiang, Zhixiong Zhuang, Yongning Wu: [Comparison of PCDD/Fs content and profile in fish between marine and fresh water in a typical Chinese area]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 08/2005; 34(4):463-6.

Dan Dong, Bing Shao, Yongning Wu, Guohua Wu, Ying Xue, Shukun Xu, Xiaoming Tu, Yanfeng Zhang: Simultaneous determination of seventeen sulfonamide residues in chickens by liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 08/2005; 23(4):404-7.

Kun Lin, Shi-Jiang Yu, Jian-Jun Zhang, Yong-Ning Wu, Qingying Zhang, Xuerui Tan, Jiayi Luo: [Study on N-nitroso compound in food and its relevant risk factors for esophageal cancer]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 06/2005; 34(3):350-2.

Jing-Guang Li, Yong-Ning Wu: [Study on determination of polycholorinated biphenyls in fish by isotopedilution GC-LRMS]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 06/2005; 34(3):322-5.

Rong Zhao, Bing Shao, Jie Zhao, Yongning Wu, Guohua Wu, Ying Xue: [Determination of acrylamide in heated starchy food by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry]. Se pu = Chinese journal of chromatography / Zhongguo hua xue hui 06/2005; 23(3):289-91.

Zhang Jianqing, Li Jingguang, Wu Yongning, Jiang Jie, Jiang Yousheng, Zhou Jian: Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Furans and Co-polar Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Fat Food by Isotope Dilution High Resolution Gas Chromatography/ High Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 03/2005; 33(3):296-300.

Yun Ling, Yun-feng Zhao, Zhi-jun Li, Gong Zhang, Yongning Wu: [Determination of catechins and caffeine in tea and tea beverages by high-performance liquid chromatography]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 03/2005; 34(2):187-90.

Miao Guo, Shu Tao, Yu Yang, Ben-gang Li, Jun Cao, Xue-jun Wang, Wen-xin Liu, Fu-liu Xu, Yong-ning Wu: Population exposure to HCH in Tianjin area. Huan jing ke xue= Huanjing kexue / [bian ji, Zhongguo ke xue yuan huan jing ke xue wei yuan hui "Huan jing ke xue" bian ji wei yuan hui.] 02/2005; 26(1):164-7.

Z Qunfang, J Guibin, L Zhongyang, L Lina, Y Chungang, W Yongning: Survey of butyltin compounds in 12 types of foods collected in China. Food Additives and Contaminants 01/2005; 21(12):1162-7., DOI:10.1080/02652030400019364

Shengye Jin, Zhaochao Xu, Jiping Chen, Xinmiao Liang, Yongning Wu, Xuhong Qian: Determination of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides based on enzyme inhibition using a pH-sensitive fluorescence probe. Analytica Chimica Acta 10/2004; 523(1-523):117-123., DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2004.05.030

Yunfeng Zhao, Jingling Zhao, Jingguang Li, Yongning Wu, Xiaoming Tu, Yongjian Ma: [Determination of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol in foods by GC-MS using stable isotope dilution technology]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 10/2004; 33(5):629-32.

Hong Miao, Yongning Wu: [Determination of clenbuterol in biological samples by high performance liquid chromatography with in series ultraviolet and electrochemical detection]. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 10/2004; 33(5):623-4, 628.

Yunfeng Zhao, Jingguang Li, Jinfang Feng, Jingling Zhao, Yongning Wu: Contamination source identification study of organochlorines pesticides in 2000 Chinese total diet study. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 08/2004; 33(4):475-7.

Xudong Jia, Ning Li, Wei Wang, Yongning Wu: Determination of protein allergenicity--BN rat model. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research 02/2004; 33(1):63-5.

Kun Lin, Wenying Shen, Zhongying Shen, Shushen Cai, Yongning Wu: Estimation of the potential for nitrosation and its inhibition in subjects from high- and low-risk areas for esophageal cancer in Southern China. International Journal of Cancer 12/2003; 107(6):891-5., DOI:10.1002/ijc.11506

Yun-feng Zhao, Yong-ning Wu, Xu-qing Wang, Jun-quan Gao, Jun-shi Chen: Study on of dietary pesticide residues in Chinese residents. Zhonghua liu xing bing xue za zhi = Zhonghua liuxingbingxue zazhi 09/2003; 24(8):661-4.

Miao Hong, Wang linyan, Wu Yongning: Determination of Clenbuterol in Chicken by HPLC Coupled with UV and EC Detector in Series. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 08/2003; 31(8):1024.

Kun Lin, Zhong-Ying Shen, Shih-Hsin Lu, Yong-Ning Wu: Intake of volatile N-nitrosamines and their ability to exogenously synthesize in the diet of inhabitants from high-risk area of esophageal cancer in southern China. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 01/2003; 15(4):277-82.

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Conference Proceedings







Yongning Wu: Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods. (2014). Proposed Draft Maximum Levels for Arsenic in Rice (Raw and Polished Rice). CX/CF/14/8/6.. JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods, 8th session,The Hague, The Netherlands, 31 March – 4 April 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands, 31 March – 4 April 2014; 03/2014, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2961.5842


Yongning Wu: Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods. (2012). Proposed Draft Maximum Levels for Arsenic in Rice. CX/CF/12/6/8.. JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME, Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods, 6th session,, Maastrichtc, The Netherlands, 26 – 30 Marh 2012; 03/2012, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3879.0884

Yongning Wu: Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods. (2011). Discussion Paper on Arsenic in Rice. Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods, 5th session, CX/CF/11/5/10.. JOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMME CODEX COMMITTEE ON CONTAMINANTS IN FOODS 5th Session, The Hague, The Netherlands, 21 – 25 March 2011; 03/2011, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2699.4403

Technical Reports

Yongning Wu: GENERAL STANDARD FOR CONTAMINANTS AND TOXINS IN FOOD AND FEED (CODEX STAN 193-1995) Adopted in 1995. Revised in 1997, 2006, 2008, 2009. Amendment 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014.. Report number: CODEX STAN 193-1995, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.4910.2560

Yongning Wu: GB2762-2012 China National Food Safety Standard: Maximum Limit of Contaminants in Food. Report number: GB2762-2012, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.3599.5367

Yongning Wu: GB2761-2011 China National Food Safety Standard: Maximum Limit of Mycotoxins in Food. Report number: GB2761-2011, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2026.6722

Prev:Jingyuan CHEN


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